chapter 5 Halloween special

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before this chapter starts I just wanted to say Happy Halloween everyone and I hope y'all have fun tonight and you guys have a great halloween!

Yor pov

Tonight was the night of halloween and I was in the bathroom fixing my hair and my costume when Y/N came up to me dressed as a teddy bear.

Y/N: mommy how do I look?

Yor: awwww you look so cute in your little onesie.

Y/N: thank you mommy. What are you dressed as?

Yor: oh I'm a vampire. Are you ready to go trick or treating?

Y/N: yeah... I guess.

Yor: what's wrong sweetie?

Y/N: I-i've never got trick or treating before and w-what if it doesn't go well?

he then started crying a bit and I crouched down to his level and hugged him.

Yor: aww don't cry sweetie mommy is going to make this the best halloween and were going to have fun tonight. okay?

he then stopped crying and he smiled.

Y/N: okay mommy.

Yor: okay go get your bucket and we'll go trick or treating.

Y/N: okay mommy.

Y/N then went and got his bucket and we left the apartment and went trick or treating. After a while Y/N had got a lot of candy in his bucket. But at some point a teenager dressed as a werewolf scared Y/N and he Y/N hugged me crying and I got upset that someone scared my little boy.

Yor: Do you think that's funny to scare little kids?

Teen: yeah I do find it funny.

he then tried to take Y/N's candy bucket and I grabbed his wrist.

Yor: I am this boy's mommy! You better leave right now!

Teen: I-im sorry.

the teen then ran off.

Yor: are you okay sweetie?

Y/N: yes mommy thank you.

Yor: you know sweetie I know that there's a festival going on if you want to go.

Y/N: yes please.

Yor: okay let's go then.

we then made our way to a festival and we ended up having a fun time. There were tons of fun games, food, and Y/N got even more candy. At some point Y/N noticed that they were selling ice cream.

Y/N: mommy can I get an ice cream cone?

Yor: of course sweetie.

I then bought Y/N an ice cream cone with two scoops of cookie dough ice cream and we continued going around the festival. Later that night it got late and me and Y/N went back to the apartment. When we got back home we changed out of our costume into sleeping clothes and we then got into bed as Y/N cuddled up to me and I wrapped my arms around him.

Yor: did you have fun tonight?

Y/N: yes mommy *yawn* thank you.

Yor: I'm glad you had fun sweetie. I love you.

Y/N: I love you too mommy. *yawn* goodnight mommy.

I then gave him a kiss on his forehead as he fell asleep.

Yor: sweet dreams my little bunny. I love you so much.

I then fell asleep cuddling with Y/N.

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