chapter 15

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Welcome my reader's!

Before starting the story I want to give some important information which I forgot to give in last chapter.

The night whisper is a mafia group made up of three iron pillar of triangle which contain ace, spade and club.

Ace aka Rudraksh
Club aka yuvraj
And about spade then you all will
know about ? Further in the story

Author pov!

Now let's start

Today is haldi function and at evening sangeet. All are busy as in a few hours the haldi function will start.

Now let's see what is happening with our female lead.

" Siyu yaar come out from the last one hour you are in the bathroom, I too have to get ready"

Tara yelled knocking at the door cause from the last one hour siya is inside the bathroom getting ready.

" Yaar if you don't come out in three, then I will broke this f**king door"


She count

"Yaar please two minutes I am a girl it takes time to get ready"

"No way, two and what do you think I am not a girl "

" And three"

At the third she came out and said

" Why are you in such a hurry, didn't even let me get ready"

She said in which she got a glare from tara

" I need to pee, do you have any problem and yeah what getting ready you are talking about haa"

She said looking at an already ready siya from top to bottom.

" why are you scolding me Taru and yeah my makeup is Still left"

Siya said with a pout.

Tara was about to say something but a knock interrupted her

" Tara di , siya di are you both got ready"

Yeah it's Ishaan who yelled from the other side of the door.

" yeah just 15 min"

Tara said and look at siya with a done look cause she is doing touch for her already done makeup.

" idiot"

She mumbled and went inside the bathroom to get ready.

Time skip after 10 min

Tara comes out of the bathroom

" Oye how I am looking "

She asks Siya making her turn to look at her

"Wow bro, even without makeup you are looking fabulous what will happen when you will apply the makeup. "

She said excitedly making tara smile.

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