chapter 36

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Love sees no gender
It just happen without your heart's knowledge

- Moonlight 🥀

Author pov!

After that incident it's been a whole week. Tara had last seen and talked with Rudra cause after waking up that day she tried talking with Rudra who comforted him and said to take care of herself.

She would message him every day and always get a small reply like hmm, ok, fine etc.

She knew that he was feeling guilty and blaming himself for the incident and for that she wanted to clear misunderstanding but a certain dumbhead didn't even want to talk face to face.

And about Siya, then the same thing was happening with her too. From last week she didn't encounter an annoying monkey around her studio and anywhere she went. She even thought to call him but refused the idea thinking that it would be unreasonable.

And about Ishaan then let's see what was happening with him.

At Sharma house

12: 30 am

A boy was walking back and forth in his room with a tensed face.

" What should I do? "

" I don't want to go anywhere with him"

He was literally muttering these things from the past 10 minutes.

And yeah he is none other than Ishaan himself whose peaceful sleep was broken by someone who was waiting for him outside his house.

" But if I didn't he will again come inside "

He said looking out of his window looking at the villain of his sleep and he is none other than Sebastian chamgadar Knight.

And if you all are thinking about what happened let's go back some moment ago.

Ishaan pov!

I was sleeping peacefully when I felt someone was shaking my shoulders lightly making me whine in sleep. And I heard a chuckle which feels familiar to me but how can he be here.

Thinking that I turn around and cover myself with the blanket but what I didn't expect was that the blanket was snatched from my body making me open my eyes deliberately and what I saw made me shocked.

That green eyed monster was looking at me intensely and the remaining sleep on my eyes vanished completely.

And I was about to shout, when he put his palm on my mouth making me muffle

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And I was about to shout, when he put his palm on my mouth making me muffle.

" Hmmm hmmm ammm"

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