chapter 29

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हमारा दिल टूट गया है आज
ना जाने कैसेे जुड़ेगा
मोहब्बत छूट गया है आज
ना जाने कैसे मिलेगा!


uthor pov!

Team 1: Rudraksh and Sebastian

Team 2: Yuvraj and Ishaan

After looking at the team Tara gets confused.

" Aren't there are 5 players in each team"

She ask

" This is bhai style, his game and his winning "

Anuja who was sitting beside Tara said with a wink getting a nod from Guravi and Viraj.

"I will be the commenter" She announced

" And i will be the referee ok and the rules are that whoever will goal ten balls will be the winner"

Viraj said the middle of the court and the match start after he put the ball at the centre of the court and threw high.

And players from both the team competing to gain the ball.

The players are run and dribbling the ball in their hands to make a goal.

And like this the game continues

( A/N: I don't know anything about basketball🏀 match so forgive me for the mistakes)

( A/N: I don't know anything about basketball🏀 match so forgive me for the mistakes)

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The basketball court

Half an hour later

The match had now come at the critical moment with both teams having equal scores of 9-9 on each and one more goal and the winner will be decided.

All four players are now covered in sweats running and taking the ball 🏀 and trying to make the goal.

Seb who was dribbling the ball ran toward the opposite team goal post and was about to make the goal but before he can throw the ball someone caught the ball from his hand and ran from their dribbling the ball in his hand. And that person was Ishaan.

Getting the ball Ishaan passed it to Yuvraj who looked at Rudra with a smirk and ran to goal but before he can reach another side Rudra with a swift took the ball in his hand and threw it toward the opposite goal post.

As the distance between Rudra and the post was too much, some gasps can be heard and ball moving a little🤏 went out of the post making the last goal.

"Yahoo we won"

Sebastian shouts and others run toward the court to congratulate them.

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