The day of school and already embarrassed

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(Our story begins by zoning in on two brothers. One is singing Sunflower by Post Malone and the other is drawing Spider-Man. They were minding their own business until they heard their dad calling them.)

Jefferson: Miles... Zuri... hey you two you're going to be late! You don't want to be late and make a bad first impression! Miles!! Zuri!!

(Zuri gets out of bed and Miles took off his headphones.)

Miles/Zuri: Uh, yeah dad!

Jefferson: Are you both ready for school?

(Zuri and Miles looked at their luggage and it was empty.)

Miles/Zuri: Yeah?

(The two brothers quickly grab a bunch of clothes and threw it into their luggage and put on their school uniforms and exited their room.)

Miles: Has anyone seen my computer?

Zuri: Got it!

(Zuri hands Miles his computer.)

Zuri: Has anyone seen my phone charger?

Jefferson: Got it!

(Jefferson gives Zuri his phone charger and both Zuri and Miles enter the kitchen and they grab a spoon full of rice and were about to eat it until their dad interrupted them.)

Jefferson: Boys, we gotta go!

Miles/Zuri: In a minute!

Jefferson: Now!

Miles/Zuri: In a minute!

(It cuts to Miles and Zuri with their mom Rio giving them farewell kisses.)

Miles: Mom, we gotta go!

Rio: In a minute!

(Then she stops and both boys go down the stairs and were on their way to school.)

Rio: Ok you two! Be safe and see you Friday!

Miles/Zuri: Bye Mami hasta luego!

(Then Miles and Zuri were on their way to their new school. Along the way they ran into some of their old friends. A girl told Miles she missed him.)

Rose: Miles! I missed you!

Miles: Wait, miss me?

Zuri: Oooooh~

Miles: Shut up!

Zuri: *Laughs*

(After that Miles and Zuri started to slap stickers on some stuff until Miles tripped on his untied shoe and he knocked Zuri over. Luckily, both boys were Ok.)

Miles: Sorry about that.

Zuri: It's Ok. Just tie your shoe when you get the chance.

Miles: Will do.

(Just then Jefferson pulled up in his police car and Zuri and Miles realized what that means.)

Miles/Zuri: Oh come on...

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