Peter B. Parker

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(After Spider-Man's funeral, Miles and Zuri, both being inspired by MJ's words and determined to keep their promise to Spider-Man, went to test their new powers and the first thing they did was to try to jump across roof to roof after reading some Spider-Man comics.)

(They go to the roof of a building to jump. They brace themselves and get ready to jump... and then they take the stairs, both of them having chickened out. The two brothers, disappointed in themselves, choose the smaller building next to it. They prepare to actually go through with it this time.)

Miles: Here we go, are you ready man?

Zuri: I'm a little terrified, but yeah.

Miles: On the count of 3, we do it, OK?

Zuri: Alrightly then.

Miles: OK. 1... 2... 3!

(Miles and Zuri run to the edge of the building and were about to jump, but Miles tripped on his untied shoe lace, causing both of them to fall off. They both hit the ground, but thanks to their increased durability, they both end with no injuries. Miles and Zuri heard something break and Miles pulled it out of his pocket. It was the override key Peter gave them.)

Zuri: *His mask eyes widen* That's not good...

Miles: *His eyes widen* That's really not good!

Zuri: Well, now what do we do?

Miles: I think we pay Peter a visit.

(Timeskip to nighttime)

(Miles and Zuri were in the graveyard. They walked to Peter's grave to apologize. They lifted their masks up and looked down in shame and sadness)

Miles: We're sorry Mr. Parker. You trusted us to destroy the collider and we failed.

Zuri: We broke the only thing able to destroy it. We're not ready yet.

Miles: We can't do this without you.

(What Miles and Zuri didn't know was someone was coming from behind them)

???: Hey kids.

(Miles and Zuri quickly put their masks on and when Miles and Zuri touched the mysterious person's hand, fire and blue electricity come out of their hands, blasting the mysterious person back but as he was being launched, he shot a web, pulling Mi...

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(Miles and Zuri quickly put their masks on and when Miles and Zuri touched the mysterious person's hand, fire and blue electricity come out of their hands, blasting the mysterious person back but as he was being launched, he shot a web, pulling Miles with him. Zuri quickly ran over and helped him up before looking at his hand.)

Zuri: What the..?

Miles: Whoa, Zuri, how did you do that?

Zuri: I have no idea. It just happened so fast.

Miles: Well, that's two new unique abilities we both have.

Zuri: Looks like it.

(Then Miles and Zuri look at the web that was still attached to Miles's chest. Both of their Spider-Senses went off, telling the two brothers that he was one of them. When they went to check the body they saw a Spider-Man costume and web shooters. The mysterious person even looks like Peter.)

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (My Version) Where stories live. Discover now