The Death Of Spider-Man

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(Zuri and Miles were running from the security guard and they both ran into his office and locked the door)

Miles: You think he saw us?

Zuri: I think we're safe for now.

(Miles was about to let go of the door knob until he realizes his hand is stuck)

Miles: Uh, Zuri, I'm stuck. Can you help a brother out?

Zuri: I got you fam.

(Zuri then tries to help Miles get unstuck from the door knob and after a few minutes they did it but the security guard was banging on the door)

Security Guard: Morales! Open up! I know you two are in there!

(Zuri and Miles were both panicking on what to do until Miles slipped on a piece of paper knocking them both out the window and causing them both to stick on the walls)

Zuri: How crap! Man how is this even possible?!

Miles: I have no idea!! Let's just make it to my dorm!

(Zuri agreed to that idea and they carefully tried to make it to Miles's dorm, but a bunch of birds crashed into them and they were now stuck with said birds. They tried to get them off by hitting the walls and windows. While doing so, Gwen saw them from the bridge. She got suspicious before carrying on. After a few minutes, the two boys were able to get the birds off and made it to Miles's room but in doing so, they knocked a comic book off Miles's shelf and they both looked at the page that was recreating what just happened.)

Miles: No it can't be.

Zuri: You don't think...

Miles/Zuri: There can't be three Spider-Men...

(Miles and Zuri put on their normal clothes and ran out of school. Miles tried to call Uncle Aaron, but it went to his voicemail.)

Miles: This can't be happening, please tell me this is not happening!

Zuri: It's happening.

Miles: This is all a dream. We were both bitten by normal spiders it's not possible!

(Miles was about to get hit by a car, but his reflexes kicked in and saved him from being hit.)

Zuri: Miles, that was awesome! How'd you do it?

Miles: Thanks and I do not know. Come on.

Zuri: Where we going?

Miles: We're going to the spot those spiders bit us. Maybe they might give us a clue on what's happening to us.

Zuri: Good idea.

(The two brothers head to the subway. They were now in a subway train. Miles was calling their dad, but he hung up. Zuri saw this)

Miles: It's best we keep this between us for the moment.

Zuri: Good idea.

(Then the two brothers got off the train and went to the spot where the spiders bit them. When they got there, the spray art they made was still there. They see the two spiders dead on the ground.)

Miles: Look there just normal spiders.

(Miles was about to touch one, but it glitches, causing the two boys to jump a bit)

Miles: The heck was that?

Zuri: They have a 42 on them...

Zuri's thoughts: Could these spiders be in the wrong dimension?

(Then they heard something in the distance and they both went to check it out, but while doing so, their senses were going crazy and they were hearing voices over each other then it stopped for a few seconds but then some faint words appeared behind them.)

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