Uncle Aaron

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(Miles and Zuri sneaked out of Visions Academy and went to the one person who understands then and enjoys their company and that one person was Uncle Aaron and eventually the two boys made it to his building and climbed the fire escape and they both saw him sitting on the couch watching TV. They both pressed their faces on the window and he laughs)

Miles/Zuri: Uncle Aaron. Were you scared?

(Uncle Aaron opens the window to let them in)

Uncle Aaron: Hey man. How you two been? How's school going?

Miles: I've been great, just doing my own thing.

Uncle Aaron: And what about you Zuri?

Zuri: I made friends with a girl on the first day.

Uncle Aaron: Really? Tell me more about this girl.

(Zuri sat beside Uncle Aaron and tells him about Gwen and Miles was busy punching the punching bag while listening to his brother)

Zuri: She and I spent the majority of the day getting to know each other in class.

Uncle Aaron: Nice man. First day of school and you already got yourself a girl.

Miles: Seems like you got the Morales touch.

Zuri: And seems goes to you man. Rose herself said she misses you.

(Miles looked away blushing)

Uncle Aaron: I'm quite jealous of my two nephews getting girls without even trying. If you two want them to like you, do the shoulder touch.

Miles/Zuri: We'll keep that in mind.

Uncle Aaron: Good. Hey, I know a good place for you two to draw.

Miles: No Way.

Uncle Aaron: Yes way. Follow me and I'll show you both.

(Uncle Aaron took the two boys to the unmarked spot he told them about.)

Miles: Aren't we gonna get in trouble?

Uncle Aaron: Hey man, tell em your art teacher made you.

Zuri: Sounds reasonable.

(The trio made it to a fence. Uncle Aaron jumped over it with ease. Miles and Zuri did the same.)

Miles: What's up?

Zuri: Hey.

Uncle Aaron: Yeah man, I knew we were related.

(The trio made it to the spot and the two boys were surprised by how much room they have to draw.)

Miles: This is so fresh.

Zuri: You said it man. This is dope.

Uncle Aaron: Alright. I brought you both to the spot now work your magic.

(Uncle Aaron gave the two boys Spray cans and they both got to work.)

(While they were working, two spiders were making their way down to the boys without being noticed

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(While they were working, two spiders were making their way down to the boys without being noticed. They even make an outline of Miles. Uncle Aaron starts coaching them. They finished the spray painting after 30 minutes.)

Uncle Aaron: Looks awesome.

Miles: Didn't think it would look this good.

Zuri: A thing of beauty

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Zuri: A thing of beauty.

(The trio laughed. Uncle Aaron gets a notification on his phone and looks at it.)

Uncle Aaron: Alright, c'mon boys, I gotta roll.

(The trio started walking out. But Miles and Zuri take a picture of their artwork but while doing so they notice the two spiders on their hands and they bite the two boys. Miles and Zuri just slapped the two spiders killing them.)

Uncle Aaron: Miles, Zuri! Let's go!

Zuri: Coming Unc'.

(The two boys take their leave from the spot and was heading back to Brooklyn Visions Academy but not before saying goodbye to Uncle Aaron)

Miles: Alright Uncle Aaron we out. Take care.

Uncle Aaron: You two man. Be safe out there. And remember the shoulder touch.

Miles/Zuri: We will.


(Miles and Zuri went to their respective dorm rooms but not before doing their secret handshake and saying they'll see each other tomorrow. When the next day came, the two woke up but felt different. They then met up outside Miles's dorm)

Zuri: Is it just me, or do we feel different?

Miles: Yeah, my pants shrunk. I think I hit puberty.

Zuri: T.M.I Miles.

Miles: Right. Sorry about that.

(Miles and Zuri then went to their classes as soon as Zuri entered his he saw Gwen sitting to next his desk. He sat next to her)

Zuri: Hey Gwen. How's it going?

Gwen: Great. Hey, there's a group assignment coming up in our third period class and I was wondering if you wanted to be my partner.

Zuri: Heck yeah I'll be your partner!

Gwen: Great!!! Well then we better get ready. Class starts in a few minutes.

Zuri: Yeah, you're right.

(Gwen and Zuri got ready for class. Turns out they have every class on their schedule together except for the last one. After a few hours Zuri exited his last class of the day when he saw Miles speed walking towards him in embarrassment)

Zuri: What's up man?

Miles: Man, I did something embarrassment in front of everyone.

Zuri: Really? What was it?

(Before Miles could answer he was cut off the security guard)

Security Guard: Hey! I know you both snuck out last night Morales!

Miles/Zuri: (Thinking) Play Dumb!

Miles/Zuri: Who's Morales?

Miles/Zuri: (Thinking) Not that dumb!

Miles and Zuri made a run for it with the Security guard on their tails.

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