Infiltrating Alchemax and bonding with Gwen

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As Peter took a very disgusting bite of his burger, Miles and Zuri just sit there waiting for him to finish.

Peter: I love this burger, they're so delicious! In my universe this place closed down 3 years ago, I don't know why, I really don't.

Zuri: Maybe because of the C rating on the door?

The waiter walked up to their table and dropped the check signaling Peter to pay because he was the only adult at the table. Peter, now worried he might have to leave without paying, looks at the brothers.

Peter: You two have money right? I'm not very liquid right now.

Miles: Can we just focus on Spider-manning?

Peter gave them his full attention.

Zuri: Got any tips on Spider-Man stuff?

Peter: Uh yeah! You're gonna wanna use baby power in the suit, heavy on the joints. Not too much though because it will get uncomfortable.

Miles: Anything else?

Peter: Nah, that's it.

Miles and Zuri: I think you're gonna be a bad teacher.

Peter: Look up where Alchemax is.

(Miles pulled out his phone and begins searching the location of Alchemax unitl he got it.)

Miles: It's a scientific campus in Hudson Valley New York.

Zuri: Hey maybe you could teach us how to swing there.

(Miles and Zuri did the web gesture but Zuri accidentally shot organic webs, much to the shock of surprise of Miles, Peter, and himself.)

Miles: NANI?!

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Miles: NANI?!

Peter: What the?!

Zuri: What the heck did I just do?

Peter: Man, you shot organic webs!

Miles: Holy, Zuri, how'd you do it?

Zuri: I may have the Spider-Man trilogy a few times.

Miles: First fire and now organic webs!

Peter: You my friend are on the first step to becoming your own Spider-Man.

Zuri: Thanks!


Peter, Zuri, and Miles were riding the bus to Alchemax.

Peter: Look guys, you can't swing after eating, you'll be too tired. Trust me, you'll thank me later.

Zuri: Makes sense.

(After a few minutes, they finally arrive at Alchemax and began to suit up. The trio then did heroic poses and Peter sees Miles wearing a cape.)


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