3 more Spiders, Not ready, and Confession

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(The four Spiders arrived at the deceased Peter Parker's Aunt May's house. Peter webs the doorbell.)

Peter: You know what I think we should go.

Gwen: Peter. We are literally on the doorstep.

Peter: Ok! This was a really bad idea.

(Peter tries to leave, but Gwen yanks him back with a web. They heard Aunt May open the door.)

Aunt May: You all are very sweet but no more visitors today please

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Aunt May: You all are very sweet but no more visitors today please.

(She sees Miles, Zuri, Gwen, and Peter standing at the doorstep. When she sees Peter, she drops the bat she was holding and walks over to him.)

Peter: I am not ready for this.

Aunt May: Peter?

Peter: Hey Aunt May. This is gonna sound crazy, but I'm-

(Aunt May cuts Peter off and puts her hand on his face)

Aunt May: From an alternative dimension.

Peter: Yeah.

Aunt May: You look tired Peter.

Peter: I am tired.

Aunt May: And older and thicker.

Peter: I've heard that before.

Aunt May: Ah jeez. Are those sweatpants?

Gwen: Yup. That's what they are.

Miles: Um, Mrs. Parker, sorry to ask, but Peter gave this to me and Zuri and it broke. Do you know how we could make another one?

(Zuri takes out the goober and shows it to Aunt May)

Aunt May: A goober. Follow me.

(Aunt May leads the four Spiders in the back to a shed)

Peter: Oh yeah. I have one of this too where I also keep my Spider-Gear.

(Aunt May opened the lock and a giant Spider Symbol appears on the door and opened it for them and they entered the shed while Peter was envy about it)

Peter: I mean this place is pretentious.

(Then the door closed and they were all heading down and when they got to the main platform, they saw a bunch of cool stuff Miles and Zuri's Peter had like a Spider-Mobile, a collection of different Spider-Man Suits, a work out station, a Spider-Plane, and a giant computer with a Spider-Symbol on it)

Miles: Whoa... dude, did your shed have this?

Peter: Mine was like this, but take away the jeep, the plane and imagine it smaller.

(The four Spiders were looking at everything. Peter comes across a picture of MJ and looks sad. Wanting to cheer him up, Miles and Zuri stood next to a suit that had a cape attached to it)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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