Posai thai posai freshhhhhhhhhhhh

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*Wilbur pov*

I woke up anyways, even tho I was tired as hell, I woke Dream up. Gosh he loked so cute with messy hair he gave me a soft smile and went to get dinner for us. He got chicken fried rice and I got a Gyro and some fries. I was really bored Dream just wrote his usual story. He was a soft and humble person but he has dark thoughts like who I mean anyone can but with that personality write about mental disorder stories like wth. I got really bored I didn't want to play the guitar I wish Techno and Tommy was here, they would've done something to make me feel alive, should I talk to him and share our personal stuff we lived here for 2 weeks, but wouldn't I invade his privacy then. God I am so bored. I heard a tap on my shoulder it was Dream "I am bored can we go outside for a walk?" He said, I nodded for an answer. I wore my jacket and he wore his green sweat shirt and went outside.
It was currently 10pm so we can enter our Dorms at anytime but not after 3am. I was walking when I realized he was holding my hand. I blushed but walked, gosh why is he this cute ?! I like wanna squeeze him to death. "Ey Wolbor what are you thinking" Dream said, Wilbur snapped out of his thoughts and said "Hey! Don't call me that and I was thinking some random stuff" I replied, "Did you ever have a lover?" He asked, I nodded and told that her name was Sally, but sadly passed away due to a car accident. Then some random adult guys came over too us.

*No one's pov*

"Hey hey what are these cutoes doing there?" Said creep1 "especially the shorter one!" Said creep2, that sentence made Wilbur's blood boil. "Hey hey, Emerald eyes, you are so pretty" said creep1 "u-uhm I don't feel comfortable you touching my hand" "oh come on darling" Said creep2 while holding his chin facing Dream's face towards him. Wilbur was held back by creep2, Wilbur hadn't realized that "Look how soft your lips are!" Without another blink creep1 kissed Dream, Dream tried to pull away but the creep crept onto him and grasped his hair giving Dream a pain. Wilbur got mad and tried to getaway but was handcuffed creep2 pushed Wilbur down and tied him to a pole near a turn, seeing his love, Dream, get r@ped mercilessly..
Dream was panting and crying. Saliva dripping  down from his mouth. Dream then tried to stand up but failed miserably. The creeps left feeling delighted. Wilbur's eyes became red and his body temperature became so high that is melted the handcuffs and untied himself and gave Dream his jacket and gave his sweat pants the sweat shirt was torn. Wilbur was crying and was boiling mad at the same time, he wanted to kill them. Dream couldn't walk properly, so Wilbur had to carry Dream rest of the way. When reached their dorms, Dream started crying, Wilbur calmed Dream down and promising to get back at them. Dream hugged him and slept on his right shoulder, Wilbur hugged him too they both fell asleep hugging. They didn't go to school(high school of course)
"Wilbur?" "Yeah....." "about last night" "...." "I-I am sorry t-that I couldn't orotect myself, I an sorry".....

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