I have returned

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Dream laid on his chest, and Wilbur sat on his bed. Wilbur stroked his blonde hair. Dream enjoyed it and said "d-do-" "doo doo doo" Wilbur interrupted Dream. "Wilbur No! Ok do you reall love me?" Dream asked, Wilbur looked away as he was blushing way too hard. "No, I don't!" Wilbur said. Dream looked away.


Awww, he doesn't like me but that is fine not everyone here is gay. Sad. I catcher some feelings for him! But oh well


"Want to go to the terrace its humid here" Wilbur said "yeah sure" Dream said. They wore their shoes and tip toed to the terrace. "Woah it is so windy out here!" Dream said "uhh, Dream might not get too close to the edge I am like terribly scared of heights" Wilbur said. Dream chuckled and got away from the age and sat down. Wilbur did the same and gazed at the stars. Dream was looking down to see the whole city bright with lights, yellow, white and blue everything! Wilbur was still gazing at the stars when he hadn't realized that Dream had slept on his shoulder. "12345678910th ship" one of Wilbur's classmate said peeping out the terrace door. Dream was carried to the dorm. They slept in the same bed as Dream crept onto Wilbur the whole time.
I was not in the mood to write okay, but I know I have to update this some day

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