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While they were at the terrace stargazing. Douma was a bit sleepy, but he just fought it off, by summoning coffee outta nowhere. Wilbur was stargazing, and started to stare into space. Douma was sipping coffee, when he realized, Wilbur was just sitting gone from the world.

Dream: Wilbur
Wilbur: ...
Dream: Wilbur!
Wilbur: ...

Dream smacked Wilbur, when he came back to his senses.

Wilbur: Hey!
Dream: you teleported outta the world what were you thinking?
Wilbur: oh, nothing

Dream was skeptical but let it go.
Dream and Wilbur soon went to their dorms. As Dream was his roommate, they stayed in the same dorm.
Dream slept on his bed, as Wilbur also turned to sleep.

[The next morning]

Wilbur woke up early and it was saturaday so they can stay at the school dorms. Dream was sleeping peacefully.
Wilbur went to make breakfast, but then he realized he can't cook shi- there was no other way but to wake Dream up.

Wilbur: Dream
Dream: ...
Wilbur: DREAM

Dream woke up startled and jolted out of the bed.
Dream just looked at Wilbur, with a confused look.

Wilbur: breakfast

Dream sighed and stood up and nodded and went to cook.
He made bacon, eggs, toast and fluffy pancakes. He handed it too Wilbur.
Wilbur was shocked to see the absolute heaven infront of him, he ate some.

Wilbur: you cook amazing! Are you a undercover chef?
Dream: no I am not
Wilbur: are you suuuree?
Dream: yes I am suuuree

Wilbur just shrugged and continued to eat his food. Dream just ate his food as he completed and did the dishes.
Wilbur sat to do his homework, while he couldn't but stop thinking about Dream. Wilbur was flustered while doing homework. Dream completed his homework early, and was on his phone.

After awhile, Dream was texting someone. Wilbur noticed that and stood up.

Wilbur: who is that?
Dream: a dude
Wilbur: who is the 'dude'?
Dream: Technoblade

Wilbur felt jealous af but didn't want to show it.

Wilbur: what is you two talking about?
Dream: stuff
Wilbur: what is the "stuff"?
Dream: why do you care?
Wilbur: because–

Wilbur couldn't just confess like that si he just stayed silent as Dream raised an eyebrow.
Wilbur was jealous that he was giving more attention to his phone and not him, so he just looked away.

To be continued....

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