nom nom

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Wilbur looked away and looked back. He snatched the phone away from dream.
Dream looked frustrated that why dud he  do that but he didn't speak, Wilbur just scrolled through the texts it was all memes, most of them were cats.

Wilbur: do you like cats?

Wilbur smirked when he said that, Dream being a tall ass man liking a small cat was irony but he liked them.

Dream: y-yeah I do
Wilbur: That is so cute

Dream just had a slight blush, as Wilbur kept teasing him. Dream felt like curl upto a ball in the blanket. But, Wilbur unable him to do that as he hugged Dream from the back. Dream just enjoyed the 7warm embrace.

Dream: yey

Wilbur just smiled hearing that, he found it pretty sweet from tall lanky man. He just enjoyed that Dream enjoyed it too.
Wilbur buried his face into his neck as his warm breath collided with his neck. Dream shivered a bit from the feeling as he had a slight blush but he was able to cover it. Wilbur just kept hugging him as he felt comfortable.

They just fell asleep with eachother. They woke up the next day, Wilbur was once again the first to be woken up just to find someone clinging on him.

Dream was clung on to him, for warmth.
Wilbur caressed his hair, as Dream had light satisfied sounds. Wilbur just smiled at that.

Dream just snuggled closer to the taller man. Wilbur was flustered and was heated.

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