he looks at me I look at him 2x

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*No one's pov*

After a few days, after the incident they informed this to the police now. The police had caught then and was sentenced to jail for 79years. Dream was walking out of the bathroom, when the bullies came, one of the mean girls said "Oh look who is this a little b!tch but nothing else" Dream frowned with cold eyes. It creeped out one of the bullies, but Dream didn't tend to do anything, The bullies beat him up and left. Dream got up and went to the infirmary to get healed. He had a patch in his eye, it was the dispersal, Wilbur saw him and went up to him. "What happened to your eye?" "Bullies" "omg, bruv I AM GONNA MFING KI-" "No need! Its fine, its not like I am getting any weaker" "But Dream your like a victim that they can dominate if they want to!" "Wilbur, I will be fine dw for god's sake" Dream said while walking away, Wilbur caught upto him.

_the next day_

"Class we have a new student,  please come in" the teacher said "I my name is george, Georgenotfound" the student said. The teach told George to sir beside Dream. George bonded up with Dream, quickly, Dream seemed to like him as a friend they became friends in one class. After the bell rand George dragged Dream through the stairs. Wilbur saw that, George was close to him..

*Wilbur's pov*

Class ended when I going to meet Dream. I saw another boy laughing with Dream was a kayaking mess and the guy was dragging him down the stairs. Then they hugged ,it made me feel jealous, like he had taken something away from me. I will talk to you Dream. After this break, it was their math class they are still talking and Dream is smiling.

*No one's pov*

The school dispersed, Wilbur went to the dorm before Dream. When Dream entered he waved a bye to the new guy. Wilbur's eyes turned red on seeing him.
"Bye George! Oh hi Wilbur you're here early, what's up?" Dream realized he had red eyes. "Who is that guy?" Wilbur asked "oh! H-he is a friend of mine why did you ask?" Dream replied "Oh nothing just wanted to know as you guys were close"  Wilbur said. Dream kept his bag and hugged Wilbur, which calmed Wilbur down. Wilbur then took him to the bed and hugged him. Dream got flustered as Wilbur wrapped his hands around his waist. Wilbur then felt sleepy so while they were hugging, Wilbur fell asleep without consciousness Wilbur fell on top of Dream. Dream laid Wilbur to his bed and he went to his own. Dream was scrolling through shorts and then suddenly saw a short saying 'Does Wilbur like Dream? By Philips academy high schoolers spilling some tea' Dream blushed at the topic but scrolled. Wilbur woke up, he tip toed to Dream's ear and cooed "Dream~~~" Dream blushed dark pink, Wilbur hugged him from back resting his head on top of Dream's  shoulder. Dream smiled and rested his head on Wilbur's chest.

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