Chapter 24

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The door to the library swung open again only a handful of minutes after Yeosang had left

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The door to the library swung open again only a handful of minutes after Yeosang had left. Hongjoong entered, having changed from his earlier attire to something much more relaxed. A pair of loose breeches and knee-high leather boots. Complemented with a tan tunic that didn't cover as much as he might have thought. My eyes were glued to the expanse of exposed chest and collarbone. Blood running hotter than normal, especially after what had already transpired between Yeosang and I.

"You alright spitfire? You're looking a little flushed."

I ripped my gaze from his flesh to find the hint of a smirk curling his lips. Something in the smugness behind it, having caught me ogling gave me the impression that he had dressed like that on purpose. And I quite possibly could have strangled him for it.

"I'm fine." I told him, clearing my throat. "I wanted to know if it would be okay if I stayed with Yunho again tonight."

He lifted an eyebrow, eyes wandering to the storm outside before slowly nodding.

"Of course. I wouldn't deny you the pleasure."

I turned my gaze to the window he was looking out of. The storm outside howling ferociously. The rain coming down harder and lightning more frequent as it flashed across the sky. I could practically feel the charge of it in the air. My hair standing on end as if it was alluding to some sort of ominous end to the night.

"Was that all you wished to ask?" Hongjoong's voice was quiet but carried in the empty room.

I pulled my eyes from the window. His form much closer than it had been before. I had half a mind to take a step back but forced myself not to. Instead, I lifted my head to meet his eyes. The normally dark chocolate depths almost black in the low lighting of the library.

"Your offer." I murmured, afraid that if I spoke too loudly someone would overhear despite it being just the two of us. "Does it still stand?"

"My offer?"

"If I stay. You will offer my mom sanctuary?"

The tenderness that flooded his orbs all at once sent my heart into fits. I swallowed hard as his hand came towards my face. Holding my breath as his thumb traced the swell of my cheek in a barely there caress.

"You're choosing me?"

I hesitated on my answer. Capturing my bottom lip between my teeth as I thought about how to respond. He dialed in on the action, his eyes dropping to my lips before the softest smile curled the corners of his.

"Or maybe not." He mumbled, thumb tracing down my cheek before settling just below my lip, tugging it from between my teeth. "Will you answer me honestly if I ask you something Y/N?"

I nodded. He rubbed the pad of his thumb across my lip affectionately, watching the appendage make lazy passes in silence for a moment before dragging his gaze to mine again.

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