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"It's Astaroth. Huhu, is it that weird that I want to help you?"

Demon. Rules over the magma-flowing, burning plains in the corner of the demon realm. Extremely powerful, she gained the title of "Queen of the Inferno" from her ability to manipulate the fires of hell at will.

She has lived for centuries and is acquainted with the head of Nomad, Edwin Black. But they went separate ways because of conflicting views. She also rarely leaves the demon realm to venture into other worlds.

One day, she suddenly appeared in front of the task force and offered to lend them a hand. This can only be explained as a powerful person acting on a whim.


Infernal Bracelets






She has extremely long red hair and golden eyes. A large bust, sharp teeth and her tongue is extremely long.


A belligerent, extremely dominant, sexual and at times sadistic demon. Viewing herself as above most beings, she seeks a man to defeat her in combat and kills anybody without mercy, that isn't strong enough. If she finds a person strong enough, she can act very lustful, but still remains dominant. However, can be very unpredictable and there are no guaranties to survive her.

She mocks her opponents and will kill and murder people even if they beg for mercy. Astaroth shows mercy only if somebody displays unbreaking will and isn't easily dominated by her or controlled. She gets bored easily and will sometimes enter conflict just to have a good fight, and not or any real goal beyond that, but also uses it to judge if somebody is worthy of being her men, however, because she outclasses everybody in strength and finds the few demons that are stronger annoying, had no luck regarding love. Though, women can impress her with strength, and she can form friendships like with Tekkain Kaworu, she cares more to find a strong man.

Astaroth dislikes Black and working with him is a difficult matter, she knows about his ability and seems not to agree with him. She also knows Kaliya and after learning she works with Black displays a dislike that somebody that mighty has fallen. Very friendly with Wester her loyal servant. Treats Kotaro, depending on their last encounter, as a worthy plaything or pet.

Astaroth is a powerful Inferno Demon, as Queen she reigns a land where lava flows, which is in a corner of the Dark World. More than anything, Astaroth wishes to find somebody stronger than herself, as she has grown bored by the many centuries she lived undefeated and alone. She became an acquainted with the head of Nomad, Edwin Black, ⁣⁣ but they went separate ways because of conflicting views, has also contact to other nobles, but her realm is neutral and independent.

Astaroth visited the Human World, in the search of a strong opponent, around the Middle Ages. She arrived by mistake between two fighting Egyptian clans, one of them attacked her unknowingly and she burned them down without thinking. However, the other clan started to worship her as a goddess, believing that Astaroth helped them as a protector. As a Dark Sun Goddess, she spent some time being worshiped but again became bored, as no hero or enemy arrived strong enough to defeat her. Even after some stronger people united against her, she was not impressed and killed them and her own followers, returning to the Dark World.

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