Chapter 13

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A.N. Ik I published yesterday but that was unplanned due to hitting 100 reads (I choked on air when I saw that number like HELP?). Enjoy the official chap 13!!

Ever since that fateful conversation. Lilith never expressed herself quite like that since that day and remained her cheerful, bubbly self. Alatus, however, was changing with every passing day. He showed up in front of Lilith less and less, and became more averse to interacting with her brothers. He became more clingy towards Lilith and aggressive towards the others, often dragging Lilith off to a secluded area to hunt monsters or just cuddle. He couldn't explain it well, but just being near Lilith was enough to stave off the worst of his bloodlust. However, his cravings for dreams seemed to worsen every day. He would kill more and more humans to satisfy them, but soon even the dreams of hundreds of mortals was not enough for him... nor the evil god shackling his soul to her.

My dear bloodhound... It is time to gain more power! Devour the dreams of foolish immortals and rise above the ashes of their agony! the evil god ordered Alatus, and he had no choice but to obey. Not just because of her hold on him, but because of his own cravings.

Alatus began hunting down minor immortals and devouring their dreams as they lay dying under his spear. However, immortals could never truly die. Instead, the vengeful spirits clung to Alatus to form bindings of darkness, slowly driving him insane. The only reprieves he got were the moments he could steal with Lilith in the few windows of time he could suppress his cravings to be around Lilith and her family. Even as her presence eased his pain and bloodlust, he began to crave her dreams.

Ah, such sweet dreams they must be. She was almost too pure for this world, and yet a bottomless darkness hid just behind her light. The coexistence of these two shouldn't have been possible without their bearer being driven insane, and yet it did. Some primal instinct urged Alatus to hunt Lilith down and gain even more power from her exquisite dreams.

You know you cannot resist, it murmured. You know that all you want to do is creep behind that sweet, unsuspecting girl and whisper gentle nothings into her ear. You know that you want to lull her into an illusion of safety, cradle her body in your arms... and rip her heart right out of her chest!

Alatus would often wake up in cold sweat in the middle of the middle, memories of these sinful dreams haunting him so that he couldn't fall back asleep. Soon, he gave up the very notion of sleep. He even stopped eating almond tofu, severing his last link to any semblance of humanity.

One day, he snapped.

"Alatus! Jeez, why'd you summon me all the way to this hollow!" Lilith pouted, trotting up to where Alatus leaned against a rocky wall, his head lowered and arms crossed. "I enjoy a nice trip down memory lane as much as the next girl, but I was going to- Hey, what's wrong?" Lilith asked worriedly, repeating the same words she said all those years ago.

This time, however, Alatus didn't answer.

"Alatus? Seriously, what's going on? You've been acting weird lately," Lilith pressed, walking closer to Alatus and lifting her hand to brush his hair away from his darkened face.

Before she could touch him, he grabbed her wrist in one hand and her other wrist in his other hand and slammed them above her head, forcing her against the wall.

"H-hey, ever heard of consent-" Lilith tried to lighten the mood before she caught a glimpse of Alatus's eyes. Instead of their glittering gold color like the purest pieces of Cor Lapis, they were as dull as rusted pieces of bronze. A primal growl rumbled from his chest as he leaned closer. Lilith was beyond panicking at this point and it almost felt like she had short-circuited. She knew that something was wrong with Alatus, but she just couldn't find it in herself to push him away. "A...latus?" she whispered hesitantly as his mouth drifted dangerously close to hers.

His eyes trained on hers, never wavering. Lilith could see an entire war being fought behind their golden depths, and his teeth gritted as he hesitated centimeters from Lilith's face. He finally shifted his head a little to the left, burying his face into the crook of her neck. Lilith didn't move a muscle, trusting Alatus to make the decision about what occurred from there.

"Why... didn't you push me away?" Alatus growled, the rumble of his voice vibrating against her skin sending a thrill down Lilith's spine. "You didn't know what I was going to do... I could have done anything and you wouldn't have been able to fight me off fast enough."

"You know that I trust you more than almost anyone. I knew that you would never willingly hurt me," Lilith whispered gently, wishing that her hands were free so she could run her fingers through Alatus's hair to comfort him. She instead settled for nuzzling her own face against the side of his head.

He jumped slightly underneath her touch and his entire body remained tense, as if relaxing for even a second could result in him losing all control. He sighed and lifted his head so he could look Lilith in the eyes, then shifted his hands so that it gripped both of Lilith's wrists, leaving one free. "You are much too trusting," he murmured, lightly drifting a finger down the side of Lilith's neck. Every place he touched sent sparks through her skin, and she fought to not explode into redness. His finger drifted downwards, stopping at her heart (Imma just ignore the fact that her heart is behind her- AHEM). "I could easily pierce your chest and kill you as you stand defenseless," he growled.

"Would you, though?" she asked casually. Even as every nerve was focused on his touch, her body was surprisingly relaxed. Alatus couldn't tell if it was from misplaced trust... or a true disregard for her own life.

"I-" Alatus started, then groaned. He stumbled backwards, gripping his head as a massive headache threatened to split his skull in half.

"Alatus, what-" Lilith asked, reaching forwards.

"Don't touch me!" Alatus ordered, stopping Lilith in her tracks. "Don't... I don't want to.... Agh!" Alatus let out one more groan of pain before he collapsed.

"Alatus!" Lilith gasped, but before she could move towards him a burst of shadowy ribbons began wafting over his body.

I should have known that he was still too emotional and weak, a slithery feminine voice spat in disgust. A dark cloaked figure slowly faded into existence next to Alatus, her face blocked by wispy shadows that seemed to emanate from her. No matter. I now know that my little bloodhound has found a strong attachment... and severing that attachment will finally break and mold him into the perfect killing machine, the woman chuckled darkly, facing Lilith.

"I have no idea who you are, lady, but Alatus isn't some kind of killing machine," Lilith growled, holding out a hand. She summoned her sword, snatching it out of the air as it materialized and pointing it at the mysterious woman. "How about you get your weird shadows out of here and leave my yaksha alone."

Your Yaksha? Oh, how rich, the woman cackled. I own this boy, from his name to his very soul. One word from me and he would massacre entire villages in a single night. You would just be yet another body.

Lilith rolled her eyes. "Please, Alatus has tried beating me during our sparring sessions plenty of times and failed. Hell, he can't even beat Rex, and I taught that boy myself. Lady, you better get yourself out of here before I beat you with a shovel like a garden snake."

Big words from a nameless immortal, the woman hissed. You can't claim to have true power until you've been given a name from Celestia itself.

"And you have one?" Lilith asked, raising an eyebrow.

Yes... Tremble in fear, puny girl, for you are standing in the presence of-

"Eeeh, never mind, not really interested," Lilith drawled, picking her ear.

InSoLeNt BrAt!!! the woman's voice, warped with fury, screeched. I think I'll particularly enjoy watching my little bloodhound kill you... but not now. He needs much more improvement... and much less of these pesky emotions. I have some use for you, when I need to give him the final break. The woman waved her hand, and the shadowy ribbons around Alatus picked him up. I shall see you next time, girl, the woman sneered.

"As if I'd let you!" Lilith shouted, lunging forwards. However, when she swung down, there was nothing but air. "NO! ALATUS!" she screamed, her distraught voice echoing throughout the hollow.

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