Chapter 15

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Finally, the twin's sobs subsided into sniffles, and the four separated from the hug (except Venti, who was still making a nest in Lilith's hair).

"Aaaah, I haven't cried that much since... right before we first came here," Lilith chuckled sadly, wiping away the last of her tears.

"Says the person who bawled like a baby when she stubbed her pinkie toe on a rock," Lucifer mumbled, blushing a little from letting the others see his vulnerable state.

"Shaddup," Lilith half-heartedly glared at her brother.

"Are you guys really going, though?" Venti whimpered, peering over the top of Lilith's head.

"I- no, we need to, in order to get stronger," Lilith declared.

"Strong enough so that we never lose anyone we love ever again," Lucifer declared.

A brief silence fell upon the small group before Rex finally spoke up. "I believe that I don't have the right to stop either of you." Venti let out a distressed squeak before Rex held up a hand. "However, there is nothing stopping us from being with you two every second before you must depart. Therefore," he grinned, a feral expression that truly reflected his draconic nature. "I would like to propose a farewell party of sorts."

"I'd bet a month of desserts that Rexy is going to take this party and make us feel like not leaving somehow. I just know it. Just look at that adorably sinister grin," Lilith whispered to Lucifer.

"Ditto, although I question that adjective of 'adorable'," he whispered back. Lilith shot a scandalized look at her brother before looking back at Rex.

"What're you planning?" she said with a skeptical look.

"I think that this is a good opportunity to introduce you to my fellow adepti and gods. I seem to recall you insisting upon meeting... Guizhong," Rex reluctantly allowed the Goddess of Dust's name to slip from his lips, knowing exactly how Lilith would react.

"BET?!" Lilith shouted excitedly, her eyes glimmering with a mischievous light. Rex and Lucifer sighed, resigned, as Venti just giggled.

"Rest in peace, brother," Lucifer shook his head, patting Rex sympathetically on the shoulder. "By the end of the day, I'd be surprised if our sister didn't have an entire wedding planned." Rex just sighed, already regretting his words. However, looking at the bright, happy face of his sister, those regrets washed away like tears on a rainy day. If it meant keeping that smile on her face, he could bear a day of embarrassment.


"When? Whenwhenwhenwhenwhen?!" Lilith babbled, bouncing in place.

"Tomorrow. We were already planning to gather, so I just need to inform them of your participation," Rex replied.

"It's a promise!" Lilith said, grinning.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

That night, The four of them slept in one large pile, with Lilith and Lucifer facing each other while Rex, in his baby dragon form, and Venti lay squished between them. The two smaller beings were being cuddled by Lilith while Lucifer wrapped his arms protectively around his siblings, as if to protect them from something.

The next morning, the three males were awakened by the delicious smell of breakfast. Venti was the first to groggily float into the kitchen, where he was greeted by the sight of a feast spread on the table. He excitedly circled it while Lucifer and Rex (in his human form) also stumbled into the room.

"G'morning, sleepyheads!" Lilith greeted them cheerfully, removing her pastel blue apron.

"What's the occasion?" Lucifer yawned, scratching the back of his head.

"I'm meeting Rexy's friends and girlfriend for the first time!" Lilith replied. "I'm making a bunch of food so we can have a biiiig party!"

Rex choked slightly on his water at the word "girlfriend", and Lucifer smacked his back sympathetically. "Forget wedding, she'll be naming your kids at this point," he sighed. Rex groaned as Lilith just grinned mischievously.

"All fun aside, hurry up and eat, but eat light! Just enough to get to Mt. Aozang!" Lilith insisted, loading a couple plates with food and sliding them to her brothers. "I want everyone to eat together, and if you guys are too full then it won't be any fun!"

"What a slave driver," Lucifer chuckled, shaking his head as he picked up his chopsticks.

As they ate, Lilith allowed a couple worried thoughts to invade her mind. Up until then, she and her brother had never tried to interact with the outside world. Rex Lapis, on the other hand, had helped to found an entire country with the help of Guizhong. Even Venti had a life outside of the twins' small home, as he could travel as far as the winds could blow. Even though she knew that their home country's prophecy was unknown in this world, and they were reassured by their brothers that they were loved here... she couldn't help but be tied down by past trauma. Guizhong and the rest of the adepti were strangers, and the twins explicitly asked Rex to not mention their existence. Lilith was feeling more and more anxious even as she was the one who wanted to meet her beloved brother's loved ones. If only... If only...

If only he were here to comfort her...

"Lily?" Lucifer called out, lightly shaking Lilith's shoulder. She started, realizing that she had stopped eating. "What's wrong?" he asked, a worried glint in his eye.

"Oh... just some... worries," Lilith admitted with a weak smile. Lucifer nodded with a knowing look; they were twins, after all.

"Don't worry. If Rex trusts them, then we should try to trust them as well. Yeah?" Lucifer said with a small grin, and Lilith nodded.

She scarfed her food down with renewed vigor and jumped up. "Alright! While you slowpokes are eating, I'm going to pack up this food!" she declared, bustling around the kitchen to get baskets and other containers to pack the food in.

"She's gonna need a whole wagon to carry all that food up a mountain," Lucifers muttered around his chopsticks.

Unfortunately, Lilith had heard his words, and she turned around with a mischievous grin. "Why would I need a wagon when I have two strong, dependable brothers to help me?"

Lucifer groaned, cursing his luck as Rex simply sipped his tea, resigned to being Lilith's pack-dragon.

A.N. Oki so I only have like 2 more chaps left in Book 1 then Imma do Book 2. The question is... should I publish it as a separate book or as a continuation of this? I'm kinda lazy to make a whole nother book for this, plus it keeps all the reads and stuff. Yeah, time to modify this book to make it into parts of the same story.

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