The Fall

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Five millennia ago
Jaryl Hunsbarge raised his scarf over his ears to keep them warm against the biting winter wind. He walked over to the hut which was nearly concealed by snow. He looked over his shoulder to confirm that he is not being followed and then raps on the door slipping a ring onto his index finger.


If everything was going on as usual he was sure The Toad should be behind that door after the first rap on the door without the ring.

He listens, left ear pressed against the door as each lock clicks and stands to his full height as he hears the hinges of the door creak as they open.

The Toad stands behind the door his mud coloured hair blending in with the darkness beyond.
He steps into the hut and is ushered into the lobby as the doors shut close and each lock is clicked back in place.

He walks out of the lobby and enters into a larger room which contains several passages leading out of the room- three on each wall.

His entrance blends in with the other passages as The Toad joins him in the middle of the room and the passages begin to swirl.

'Circum nas '

The Toad' voice echoes softly in his ear as the passages stop slowly. Nothing moved as the passages halted and the passage now facing them glows.

'Come on' Jaryl says ' we've got not much time' he beckons to The Toad who follows as they head into the passage Jaryl stopping to pick a blazing torch on the way.

At the end of the passage, they come upon a great door of Mahogany wood. Jaryl repeats the code on the door as The Toad looks around- wary as usual.

'Jaryl is that you?'


'And the Toad?'

'Here as well?'


The Toad moves forward and raps his own code on the door. They both step back and listen as each lock accompanied by spells of opening sorts are chanted clicks open and the door swings open by a fraction as they are ushered in by Zanya, a petite blonde and the door is shut behind them with a soft thud.

The room is lit up by a merry fire crackling heartily at the end of the room. Jaryl pulls of his gloves grateful for the warmth as he shrugs of his coat and then his boots, placing them in the appropriate order.

He raises his head and scoffs in disaproval as he takes in the mess the others have made with their own articles- boots strewn all over the entrance, coats on the chairs instead of the pegs on the hanger and some gloves hanging on the pegs instead.

Shilan walks over her red hair seemingly set alight by the fire 'Oh come on Jaryl, stop fussing over the mess. I'd fix it. We've waited long enough already.'

Jaryl brings himself up from the floor were he'd been crouched earlier and rises to his full height scanning the room spotting a few new faces but not strange ones.

The chattering in the room stops as the occupants of the room finally notice Jaryl's presence which had previously been masked by the noise and his quiet entry. The light cast shadows upon his his face highlighting sharp jaw lines and grey eyes.

The Toad stands behind him like a guardian watching Shilan warily as she shuffles around the room and leaving a sense of order behind her as she sets the room to order and makes it look official rather than the mess hall it had resembled earlier.

As Shilan completes her rounds, Jaryl's sharp, icy voice pierces the silence in the room 'And Farrind, were is he?' Shilan pauses skirts swirling as she turns to face the large hour glass in the corner 'He should be her anytime soon'.

Jaryl says nothing in reply as he walks towards a great armchair and sits gracefully as a girl with a mouse-looking face approaches him with a tray bearing a mug balanced in her hand.

She offers it to him as he takes the mug from her and takes a large swallow of his drink. 'Easy Jaryl' Shilan warns 'it burns'. However Shilan's warning comes too late as a frown etches deep on Jaryl's face a calloused hand going to his throat 'Sorry' she consoles and he nods in acknowledgement of her condolence.

A code is sounded on the door from the other side and this time it is heard by the entire room as the locks are clicked opened and Farrind enters alone.

'Belazar, where is he?' the Toad asks fear obvious in his voice. Before Jaryl can speak, Farrind answers 'If all goes well Seik, he should be joining us at our next gathering'.

The Toad takes a deep breath as the silence in the room is regained and the attention of each person in the room focuses on Farrind as he takes a seat at the far end of the room.

'Since everyone is here , I believe we can proceed' Shilan suggests to the room. 'Oralice' she says calling out to a girl with fawnish features and misty eyes. The girl blinks twice as if being awoken from a trance. 'Oralice' Shilan calls out again 'is there anything wrong?'

'A traitor' Oralice announces 'a traitor is amongst us- scheming' The room falls silent with tension as each person examines others. The Toad's eyes, however, remain fixed on Farrind. 'Are you sure Belazar is alright?' he asks his words laces with venom.

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