1: Unseen University 

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Bell: What should we do?

Issei: First, I got to erase my name from The Book of Angel Records.

Bell: The Book of Angel Records?

Issei: It's A Book That Holds The Names of Humans That Will Become Angels When They Die.

I Already Know, I'm Going to Become A Angel or Devil When I Die Again, however if I erase my name from That Book, I Will Become A Dragon.

Ddraig: Partner, The Book of Angel Records is impossible to reach.

Issei: Why?

Ddraig: Because it's in Heaven.

Issei: Heaven, that's easy, all we need to do is fight our way through and I'll erase my name.

Ddraig: Like I Said, it's impossible.

Bell: How Come?

Ddraig: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, are The Four Archangels of Heaven, They'll Make Sure No Demon Could Get into Heaven and Will Defend it From Their Attacks.

Jin: But They are at The Meeting With The Fractions So They will Not be Around.

Ddraig: I See...

Issei: that means we could get into Heaven!

Cho: but do we have to get past the gates to heaven first?

Sa Gojo: we don't need to.

Issei: what do you mean?

Sa Gojo: I Overheard One of The Angels Lost it and A Librarian Found it.

He Has Keep it in A Library of The Unseen University.

Issei: The Unseen University?

Jin: Isn't That A University For Wizards?

Sa Gojo: Yes, but The Wizards Won't be Around, They'll be busy helping Other Wizards in A Wizard Academy.

So we will be able to get the Book without fighting them. She Said While Looking at Issei.

Issei: That Will be Easy.

Bell: But Where is The Unseen University?

Issei: I Know, Where it is.

(Location: Unseen University)

Issei and His Faction Arrived at The Unseen University.

Issei: Here we are.

Jin: Man... I Never Knew There Were so Many Wizards.

Sa Gojo: Especially Female Wizards.

They Said While Looking at The Photos of Powerful Wizards That Has Graduated From The Unseen University.

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