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The beeping of machines, followed by the scent of the phenyl, was the first thing Taehyung caught after regaining consciousness. "Where am I?" He thought and tried to call for someone, but no voice came out of his mouth. His neck pains even with the slightest movement, and he slowly tries to move it, hissing at the prickles of pain he feels.

Slowly, he tried to move his arms and opened his eyes, accompanied by a throbbing head, when he heard rustling sounds from somewhere in the room. The male's first thought was of Yoongi, who might be coming to wake him up, but his room wasn't white like a hospital room, and he wondered if the male had again pointed his torch at his face.

It wouldn't be the first time the male would've taken such an unhinged method to wake him up. 

Taehyung felt the heat of another arm on his cold hand. He knew the person holding his hand was trying to say something, but his head couldn't make any words other than the beeping of a machine. Taehyung wanted to tell Yoongi to shut that damned thing up so he could hear him clearly, but his voice wasn't coming, and his eyes couldn't focus on anything.

A slight pinch of a needle pressing against his skin made him shudder, and he kept blinking under the white lights as slowly his head and eyes got used to his surroundings, and he was finally able to see the white ceiling and two masked faces staring down at him, wearing white coats.

Taehyung notices a girl standing next to his bed dressed in white and cardboard in her hand, writing something on it, and another man standing on the other side. He was dictating things to her while his eyes were focused on the monitor and his hand moving in circles on Taehyung's chest.

However, he still couldn't comprehend the doctor's words because he was confused about how he ended up in a hospital room.

Taehyung remembers returning from college on Saturday evening and going to the library to watch his crush study there while doing his work.

He remembered playing with Jimin and Yoongi, eating till they couldn't move. They fall asleep on the bed with Jimin clinging to his side and his hyung muttering a small good night as he passes through Taehyung's door at night, not realizing he was still awake to listen to him.

It was all fine till last night, and now he's here in the hospital out of the blue. It doesn't make any sense.

"How do you feel now, Mr. Kim?" The doctor's voice made Taehyung come out of his inner turmoil.

"Fine. " Taehyung's voice came out so deep and hoarse that even he couldn't recognize it for a second. Seriously, what's wrong with him?

Before he could ask the doctor how he ended up in a hospital, the door opened, and two very familiar faces entered the room with teary eyes and dark eye bags, showing that none had slept in days.

"Oh, Tae, we were so scared for you. " Jimin cried, rushing to hug his best friend. Taehyung was surprised and slightly confused to see the new hair color of his best friend.

It looked pretty good on him, but Taehyung wondered if he was sleeping for this long that Jimin dyed his hair from orange to blond. "I'm fine, Jimin, don't worry. " Taehyung smiled.

'Did someone try to kill him in his sleep or something?' Taehyung wandered because that was the only thing that could explain why he was here, but then he wondered how long he were asleep there and what happened to his roommate Yoongi.

Did Yoongi also would've gotten hurt while saving him from any possible threat, or did it go unnoticed because of being in another room? Taehyung really hopes for the latter because he won't be able to see his hyung on the hospital bed or worse.

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