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Taehyug joined his mother for a morning walk the next day, letting Jin and his father sleep. Despite being already 50, she doesn't even look that old, and whosoever had asked her, she always says morning exercises. Taehyung doesn't know if she's right in it, but he's happy to see his mother happy.

While walking, Taehyung saw Jungkook again, looking just as good in a black sweatshirt and sweatpants. It seemed the same as the pair he had in his wardrobe. He was out to walk his dog, and as soon as his dog saw him, he slipped out of Jungkook's grip and ran towards him with his tail wagging happily.

Taehyung was tackled by the heavy brown dog, who stood on his two paws, the other two on his tummy, as he licked his face happily.

Taehyung couldn't help but giggle while his mother just stood at a distance and smiled at him affectionately.

"I'm sorry. Bam tends to do that when he sees someone he likes. " Jungkook says, which had left Taehyung dazed for a while.

Even in college, Taehyung had always watched Jungkook from a distance and heard his laughter mixed with his friends, but he never thought that even after so many years, he would sound the same.

Even Taehyung knows that his voice has changed a lot.

"Ah, I guess you're Taehyungie's friend, are you?" His mother asked, and that was when he realized his mother was still there, talking to his college crush.

"Huh, Y-Yeah. We hang out sometimes, and Bam really loves him a lot. " Oh, did they? Taehyung never thought he would ever hear that from Jungkook's mouth.

Wait- does that mean he was friends with Jungkook? How come no one ever mentioned that to him before?

"That's nice. Why don't you get a dog, Tae? I know you used to like them when you were young. " His mother said, and he dumbly nodded.

"I will think about it. " Taehyung says.

There was an awkward silence between them, and Taehyung focused on the dog licking his face. He doesn't remember this dog, but he wasn't complaining. He loved pets as much as he loved kids.

"Ah, anyways, let's go back, Tae? Your dad would be waiting for his breakfast. " She says, and from the corner of his eyes, Taehyung saw Jungkook looking slightly shocked as if his big eyes going impossibly large had anything to go by.

Why? Does Jungkook not know he had a mother?

"C'mon Bam, let us go too. " Jungkook said when his mother came forward.

"What's you're name, son?"

"I'm, Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. "

"Why don't you come over this weekend, Jungkook? Taehyung's dad and I would be leaving, but we wanted to have some time with his friends so we could get to know them. " Taehyung knows she doesn't mean any harm, but the thought of having Jungkook in his apartment seemed the worst decision.

And why does Jungkook get to know about that before him?

"Wait, you're going already. I thought you would stay. " Taehyung whines, but his mother smiles, holding his hand.

"You can always come over, Tae, and we have office work too. We talked about this yesterday during dinner, didn't we?" That makes the male silent. He was so focused on his thoughts that he didn't hear whatever they talked about.

"Anyways, I hope to see you soon, Jungkook. " His mother says, turning towards him, but the male looks at him, eyes swimming in insecurity.

"Are you sure you want me to come?" Jungkook asked, looking at Taehyung with slightly terrified eyes.

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