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The three months passed in a blur, and Taehyung was never so happy.

Until the day, Taehyung saw him.

His college crush, his first love, was in front of the cafe. The male was talking to someone on his phone while leaning on a black bike, which Taehyung didn't know to which brand it belonged, but it looked expensive. It means his crush was doing good, and Taehyung was glad.

He looked incredibly handsome, covered in black fitted jeans, ripped at the thighs, showcasing his muscles whenever he stretched or moved slightly. He wore a leather jacket and stomper boots.

Even the people around would take a double look at the male because of the gangster vibes or maybe because he looked handsome. Taehyung couldn't see his face because the male had his back turned towards him, but even his back was broad.

Taehyung spotted some black ink around his knuckles and the piercings around his ears until he heard the chime and a few more people entering, snapping Taehyung out of his dreams.

He looks around, not even surprised to see every girl's eyes on him, but he ignores the burning pain in his chest and returns to his counter, not wanting this to spoil his mood.

It was all good until he looked back, and their eyes met. The male looked surprised, and before he could enter the cafe, Taehyung quickly scrambled to go back to the kitchen and pushed Sara, his coworker, out of the door.

Taehyung didn't know why he had tears prickling down his eyes at the thought of Jungkook being here.

Suddenly, the pictures were connecting in his head.

The paintings were all of Jungkook. The person he drew standing in front of his balcony was Jungkook, and the male in his arms was him. The eyes that he made, and those piercings, all belonged to Jungkook.

He made those fantasies because he loved the other deeply, and maybe Jungkook found someone else, and the thought may have pained him to such an extent that he started imagining a life where Jungkook would be his boyfriend.

But that doesn't explain the touches, the laughter he hears in his dreams. It doesn't explain why Taehyung has those oversized shirts in his wardrobe.

His head was hurting with these thoughts, and he stumbled, holding the counter.

"Taehyung, I think you should go home. You look pale. " His manager, Wooshik, says, holding and supporting by his waist, eyes flooding in concern, and Taehyung nods. He can't stay here when Jungkook is here because he knows he will embarrass himself. It's not like he has ever talked to Jungkook before.

"I'm sorry, hyung. I'll start my shift early tomorrow. " Taehyung said, but the manager just waved it off, saying he didn't need to, and dismissed him.

Quickly, Taehyung collected his things and peeked out, seeing the place as usual, crowded with people.

"What happened to you? You seemed terrified. " Sara asked him from where she was packing a few buns in the bags.

"Y-Yeah, sorry. I don't feel good today, so I'll take an early leave. " Taehyung said, and she nodded.

"Take good rest then. " Sara says, and just as he was about to exit, he saw Jungkook standing outside the cafe. He was leaning on his bike and typing on his phone.

Thankfully, he had his back turned at Taehyung, so he didn't see him.

The male took it as his chance, turned back, and hurried to the backdoor. He saw Sara's judging eyes on him, but he didn't care and rushed out of the back door.

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