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On the third day, Taehyung got calls from his parents.

At first, he was upset that his parents didn't care to call him after his accident, but then Jin told him that his parents were in Japan for some work and had been calling the elder daily to ask about his health.

Also, they would be coming soon to see him.

Taehyung felt happy that at least his parents still love him. They were upset hearing about his memory loss, but his ever-so-positive mother had said, "It's okay, Tae. I know everything would be confusing now, but don't be afraid. Your dad and I will do our best to finish here quickly, and we will visit you soon, but if you feel scared and can't adjust, you can come to us. We will take care of everything, and if the need comes, we could show you to some other foreign doctors. "

Taehyung had cried hearing that. He missed his parents, and he made sure to tell them.

His father promised they would come to see him in a few weeks and would stay until he wanted them to.


After a week of moping around the house and with his hyungs constantly crashing his place, Taehyung decided that he would start with his cafe job again. He had enough of feeling empty and cold in this house. At this point, he was sure this wasn't even his house but some haunted place where his older self had trapped himself.

But they all had matching frowns that told Taehyung they weren't happy with his decision.

Yoongi was the first one to oppose his decision. "I don't think it's the right time for it. If you feel trapped here, you can always ask us to take you out, but starting a job when it's been just a week after that terrible accident doesn't sound good to me. " He had said.

"I hate to admit it, but I agree with Yoongi, Tae. Your wounds are not even closed, and you want to work. At least be a bit more healthy so that we can let you go. " Jin had said, making Taehyung sigh.

"I know, but I don't want to stay confined here. A walk is good, but it's not something that I want. I want to work because I'm sick of this apartment. It doesn't feel like home to me. "

This place has so many things that make me sick. The blurred memories of someone's laughter I heard every time I closed my eyes, warm, gentle touches that made my skin itch with want, and shiny big eyes. I'm scared to stay here because it haunts me. I'm missing someone, but I don't know who.

Taehyung wanted to say, but he didn't. His words didn't make sense to him, and he didn't know how to explain something like that to his friends.

There was a dead silence in the room while Taehyung fidgeted with the sleeve of the black shirt, which was again too big for his torso, and he had no idea where it came from.

"If you want to work, it's fine with me, but not until we set some rules for you. I'll make sure to talk to you're manager about that. " Jimin finally says, making Taehyung sigh in relief.

At least someone was there for him.

"Jimin. " Jin says as a warning. It was the tone the elder used when they were younger and would try to cause trouble or laugh in serious functions, refusing to listen to Jin in situations they knew the elder was right.

Jin scolded them with this tone, warning them to shut up and sit. To remind them who's their elder and they should be silent now.

As he thought, Jimin zipped his mouth and lowered his head.

"Taehyung, I don't accept your proposal of going to work. You just came out of surgery, and you should rest. If you want a change, I can call Mom and Dad to take you to Japan with them, or you can stay in our house, but you won't work. We'll think about it when you're wounds are healed. End of the conversation. " With that, the elder stood up from his seat.

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