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"Jimin asked me to drop these at your house. He had to return to Busan for something important, and Yoongi hyung is joining him. " The male says, and Taehyung nods, opening the door widely for him.

"You can keep them on the table. I'll put them in my room later on. " Taehyung says, and once the male enters, he closes the door, bringing out his phone, holding it near his ear with one hand while the other stays in his mouth, with him chewing on the nails.

Jungkook is in his house, holding those drawings that Taehyung wanted to hide from him. He didn't know what he would do if Jungkook opened it and looked at those drawings.

Jimin could've sent it with anyone. Jin hyung, Namjoon hyung was here, but no, he had to send it with his crush. He could've asked him to pick it up or left it at home, letting it collect dust on any corner.

He was so jittery that he didn't realize when Jungkook came behind him and grabbed his arm, pulling it out of his mouth. "You'd never change, do you?" Jungkook says, but his tone isn't harsh. He sounded amused as if Taehyung's habit was funny and endearing to him.

He brings Taehyung's hand to the counter, and then he realizes that the male has a paper settled on it and a nail cutter in his hand. He doesn't even know from where did Jungkook even found it.

As Jungkook starts to cut his nails short, the other male is confused and tongue-tied. It was something that Taehyung remembered his father doing it. Whenever he used to bite his nails, his father cut them short while his mother slapped his hands or mouth.

How does Jungkook know that?

Maybe Jin would've told him.

Yeah, that's true. Jin said they were close to Jungkook, and he was too, so maybe that's why Jungkook knows this.

"Oh, well, it's my habit. I can't really put it off. " Taehyung says, feeling embarrassed about it, but suddenly he feels as if it's familiar.

The tattooed arm wrapped around his waist while he would be squished between the counter and the male behind to keep him in place while another hand trimmed his nails short.

It was all too familiar that his head started to spin.

He stumbles on his feet, holding his head, as those strange visions surround his sight, blacking out the world.

The two sets of laughter echo around the kitchen as they try to dominate each other, even if it were clear who's the strongest.

He feels that push, that familiar ache settling deep in his chest. He struggled to collect his thoughts as he desperately tried to figure out the faces, even if the laughter echoing were too familiar.

"Taehyung? Tae?" Jungkook's frantic calls bring him back to the world, and he realizes that Jungkook is holding him by the waist, the nail cutter lying on the floor, as his other arm is gently holding his face.

"Are you okay? Should I call someone?" He asks, and quickly, Taehyung shakes his head.

"N-No, it's okay. Maybe I was working too much. " Taehyung chuckles nervously, not wanting to look into those shiny eyes, but the grip on his waist doesn't let him move.

Jungkook looks the same height as him, but being filled with muscles makes him look big and harder for Taehyung to push him away.

"You're overworking? Why?"

"Um, I, well, this new project I got is big, so yeah, I'm spending too much time to make it perfect. Yeah. I need some rest, that's all. " Taehyung tries his best to smile, but for some reason, he sees Jungkook's eyes dropping with a small 'oh' escaping his mouth.

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