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"We've been in a secret relationship. " Jungkook says, which had Taehyung's mouth parted. A relationship? He was in a relationship with Jungkook, but was he like a mistress? Jin said Jungkook was straight and had been dating a girl since the end of their third year of college.

"But weren't you straight and dating a girl since the third year of college?" Jungkook looks at him amusedly and chuckles.

"You were the only one I dated, Tae. I never dated anyone during college except for you. Once, Namjoon hyung called me to join lunch with you all in the canteen, where I had seen you for the first time. You were shy yet bold, and we had a lot in common. We clicked so well that we started meeting each other even without other hyungs. We talked about the most random things, ditched our friends to watch Marvel movies in the theatre, had late-night study sessions and anime marathons, shared different playlists, and played games till we passed out. It was when Jimin had proposed to Yoongi hyung, and they switched their dorms. I and Hobi hyung shared one, but then, I came to yours while Yoongi hyung went to Jimin's. Jimin's dorm was empty, so they had fun staying there. "

Taehyung couldn't believe what Jungkook was saying, and the fact that Yoongi had shared the same thing with him made it seem right. But then why didn't the other hyungs find out? Why did they even hide such a thing from them?

"I haven't proposed at that time or come out as bisexual. I didn't even know I was one until I met you. " Taehyung blushed at the thought of Jungkook's gay awakening. It seems like he's the main character of some fictional novel where suddenly his wishes are coming true.

Jungkook laughs and stares at Taehyung fondly. The other looked so much better than he had seen him three months ago, showing how much Jin had taken care of him.

"Hyungs had thought that I was straight, and I was before, but I never corrected them even after realizing it. When I proposed to you for the first time, you had kissed me, and we dated since then in secret. " Taehyung was taken aback upon hearing this and was even more surprised when he realized that he had not been truthful with Jin.

"But why do we have to hide it? I don't think hyungs hates you. " Taehyung says, and Jungkook nods.

"Yeah, they don't. I have to hide because of my mother. After a month of dating, I thought of revealing it to hyungs, but then my mom visited me, and it was a mess. For some reason, she hated me having you as my boyfriend. "

"You told your mother about us first?" Taehyung asks, but the male shakes his head.

"That was one strange day. You had a fever, so I took a leave to care for you because Jin hyung couldn't come. Your whole face was flushed with high fever, and your infection was also showing, especially on your neck. " Taehyung blushed when Jungkook gently poked certain places on his neck.

"She walked on us when we were watching anime. We were cuddling together on the same bed, and I have a habit of staying shirtless, so she just got the wrong idea. We both had a little argument, and then she left, and we didn't talk after that. " Taehyung nods, face flushing as he thinks about how weird it would've looked to his mother. He's sure that he would be embarrassed to death.

"After that incident, we both got busy with our own exams and pushed the idea of telling others at the back. However, when I graduated from college and joined the gaming company, they made me go abroad to the United States because of the opportunity I was getting. I asked you to join me, but you declined since you loved the cafe job and didn't want to leave your hyungs. " Jungkook sighs, staring at the blue sky.

"At that time, we got into an argument, and we almost broke up because I left in anger and didn't talk for a month. But I gradually realized that you had more to lose if you followed me there. You had your job, which was gaining popularity, and if you had followed me to the US, you might never be able to get your artwork in museums as you had dreamt of. I apologized for it, and you forgave me too. "

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