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Three days after Taehyung was discharged, he was allowed back in his apartment, but looking at his new home that wasn't a dorm room made his insides twitch. He was living alone, and the apartment was big. A king-sized bedroom, a big kitchen with counter and dining table. There was a sofa and tv on the other side and one guest room.

It was the perfect house Taehyung had dreamt of having from the beginning of his college life.

He looked at his workroom, having colors smeared all over the blankets and some on the walls.

Taehyung was tempted to remove the clothes and check his paintings, but his hyungs didn't allow him to. They forced him to stay on the bed and rest while Jimin or Yoongi would constantly be around to take care of him.

Taehyung felt like a burden to his friends. They had to care for a grown-ass man instead of moving on with their life, but he quickly shook away these thoughts. Part of his heart knows that if any other friend had suffered this fate, he would've dropped everything to help and care for them. That's how they always had worked like. They were his second family, connected through love, trust, and care.

However, that's not what his main concern was. Taehyung didn't feel anything during his stay at the hospital, but now, staring at the ceiling, he felt so empty. He looked at the other side, where Jimin was sleeping next to him, with arms tightly locked around his body, but somehow he still felt empty and cold.

The only light in the room was due to the street lights, and through these lights, he could almost picture himself standing near the big glass window with two muscular arms wrapped around his waist.

Blinking his eyes, he stared at the glass windows, shut tightly but half-covered with curtains.

Black curtains.

Taehyung never liked black. During his college years, he had always thought that color made him feel like he was staring at the void.

Then why would he put black curtains? Did his elder self take out a new meaning of this color? Maybe he did.

Taehyung didn't want to think about it, didn't want to imagine himself standing there, didn't want to imagine arms around his waist or the ghost of touch that he felt, so he closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

Sleep was a luxury when he was in college because of having endless projects, assignments, and the number of notes he had to go through. But now, when he is over that college phase and has enough time to sleep, he doesn't even feel like doing it.

Somehow, he still managed to drift off, maybe because of the medicines or the embrace of Jimin, which no longer feels warm, but he's thankful anyway.

Waking up the next day, he took a shower, confused at the change in his taste in the products. The products he is using now don't have any additional smell, and even if it's not that bad, he doesn't understand why.

He had always liked scented products in the past. Does being older change his lifestyle?

He went out of the shower and wore a black oversized t-shirt, three sizes bigger than his usual one, and Taehyung took time to sort out clothes in his closet, finding that half of his clothes were black, oversized shirts or shorts.

Taehyung knows that he likes baggy clothes, but not to the extent that they would reach his mid-thighs or keep slipping off his shoulders.

However, he didn't want to remove it, so wearing that, he went to the kitchen to see Yoongi smiling at him. "I hope you had a good sleep, Taehyung-ah. " The male says, wearing an apron and flipping an omelet. He could see Jimin standing on the balcony, practicing for his upcoming dance, and maybe this was something that didn't change even after growing up.

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