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Namjoon looks at Jungkook, who has been jittery since he entered the younger's apartment. He still doesn't understand why he was called here in such a rush. Namjoon had almost gotten a heart attack when Jungkook had called him with a strained voice, and he had driven past three red signals to reach here, only to have the said male roam around his penthouse, biting his fingers.

He had seen Taehyung do that and Seokjin scolding and cutting his nails, but he never knew Jungkook had the same habit. Was he really that ignorant towards him?

"Jungkook, would you please tell me what's wrong? You know I can't read minds, so I can't figure out until you tell me. " Namjoon sighed after an hour of watching the younger tap his feet or hop around the room.

"That's the thing, hyung. I don't know how to tell you this. " Namjoon sighed hard before patting the space on the couch.

"How about sitting calmly on the place first?" Jungkook nods and sits facing the elder, who looks him dead in the eyes.

"Now, I will ask, and you would reply with yes or no. I don't want explanations but only one-word answers. I will give you details where needed, and you can ask me too, but first, you have to answer my questions. " Jungkook nods dumbly, chewing his lower lip.

If Jin were here, he would've said that Jungkook would chew out his lower lip one day and look like one of those lip-less aliens. It was a great way to lighten the mood, but sensing the situation, Namjoon thinks it wouldn't be a good option.

"Is this about Taehyung?"

Jungkook looks at him wide-eyed, lips parted in shock. "Hyung, what-"

"Jungkook, I said yes or no. I need one word. " The male shuts his mouth, eyes looking everywhere but at Namjoon.

After a dreadful silence between them, Jungkook finally breaks the silence. "Yes."

Namjoon nods. "Is this about what happened a few days ago and that hospital incident?"


"Did you and Taehyung share something before that accident?"

Jungkook takes a few minutes to answer, and the answer, for some reason, doesn't surprise Namjoon as much as he had thought.

"Yes," came the answer.

"What was it? This time, I only want the truth, Kook. " Namjoon reminds him sternly, and the male nods.

"We have been dating since the last year of college. " Jungkook looks at Namjoon, who stares impassively, not even a single emotion on his face. "It was all good, but my mom came to know about it, and she hated our relationship. She hated Taehyung because she thought he seduced me, and I tried to be strong until she said that if I didn't leave him, Taehyung would get in danger. I swear I didn't believe it at first, but once Taehyung told me how some people keep following him. It scared me, so I broke off things before something happened to him. I told Dad about this, and he said that he wouldn't mind me dating any gender and told me to wait for their divorce, which just got completed. So I got the freedom to pursue Taehyung again, and I called Taehyung to meet me, but he never came. I thought he dodged and avoided me when we met at a cafe. He even removed the paintings we made together. I was angry and tried to ask him, but he didn't tell me anything. "

Namjoon stares at Jungkook for a long while before huffing out a breath.

"Taehyung got into an accident. Some drunk driver hit his car. " Namjoon says, looking at the male, who looks at him shocked, eyes glistening, but he continues anyway. "He was in a coma for a week, and after waking up, we were told that he had retrograde amnesia. Taehyung had lost the last 6 years of memory, so when he woke up, he thought he was still that third-year college kid living in dorms. "

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