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A cloaked man appeared in the middle of the street in Godrich's Hollow, his breath visible in front of him due to the fridid temperatures of the late Halloween night. He inched closer to a small cottage on the street corner, the garden stretching a few metres in front of it. When he reached the door, he raised his hand and a massive white light erupted from his wand, sending the door flying of its hinges into the entranceway. He watched as a redhead woman cradling two children sprinted upstairs whilst a dark haired man stood his ground, wand raised at the cloaked figure. The man in the doorway sent a shimmer of magic through the air, hitting the dark haired man in the chest and flinging him backwards, knocking him out. If he could help it, he did not want to spill any pure blood tonight. He ascended the stairs and made his way to the room where he could hear the childrens' wailing.

He blasted the door down and raised his wand at the two children. The redhead woman stepped in front of them, screaming and begging for the cloaked man not to kill her sons, but to kill her instead. The cloaked man smacked the back of his hand across her face and pointed his wand at her, shooting out a red beam to knock her out. He approached the two infants in the cot, the blonde one was standing in front of the redheaded one defiantly, staring at the cloaked figure with his emerald green eyes reflecting the light at the end of the man's wand. The spell was fired at the children.

The cloaked man watched as the jet of green light reflected in the blonde's eyes as he stood tall to defend his brother. What the cloaked figure hadn't counted on was the spell to rebound off the child. His eyes widened as his own spell turned back on him at almost five times the velocity and struck him in the chest causing a large explosion. The cloak where the man once stood crumpled as a wraith-like cloud flew off into the night sky. The redheaded boy began crying as he stared at his mother's unconscious body lying on the floor in front of him. Three men appeared in the door of the nursery, one with curled black hair wearing dark robes, another with brown hair and a scar across his face wearing faded robes and the final man had long grey hair with a large beared wearing vibrant purple robes.

The black haired man pointed his wand at the redhead woman and she suddenly woke up. She snapped into a sitting position and looked at her sons, tears streaming down her face as she ran and picked them up. The grey haired man looked at the two boys, the redhead had a lightning bolt shaped scare on his forehead whilst the blonde had two scars in the same place except its shape was even more perculiar than its sibling. It was two circles sitting diagonally from eachother with a singular thin line pertruding in opposite directions from them. It made the grey haired man stroke his beared and stare at the boy with worry.

2 years later

"Lily please, it is safest this way!" The grey haired man pleaded staring at the redhead,"they will never think to look for the boy in the muggle world and it gives us a chance to fully focus on the training of Alexander instead of having a distraction. I don't like it much either, but it's for the greater good!" The dark haired man sat next to the redhead contemplated for a moment and then spoke,"I don't think it's a bad idea, Lily. Harry will be safer there, as Dumbledore said, and we can focus all our attention on the son that can actually perform magic." Lily Evans looked outraged but eventually gave in and nodded. "I will personally check in with him every month to make sure he isn't being mistreated," Dumbledore said, a sickeningly sweet twinkle appearing in his blue eyes. With that, Lily picked up the blonde boy and followed the grey haired man out of the house.

After the attack on Godrich's Hollow they had moved into Potter Castle, a large fort with a giant estate built to withstand any attack- magic or muggle. Lily and Dumbledore walked out of the gate in complete silence and then disappeared with a crack. Dumbledore had explained the circumstances to Petunia whilst Lily said a teary goodbye to her son. Harrison looked at his mother with sadness and betrayal etched all over his face but he didn't shed a tear. After one last hug, Lily and Dumbledore stepped out the house and disappeared with a loud crack again. Harrison was quickly grabbed by the arm firmly and thrown into the boot cupboard underneath the stairs.

"Welcome to our home, freak!" The fat man spat as he locked the cupboard from the outside and slammed the vent shut leaving Harrison in utter darkness. The blonde boy curled up into the fetal position with his knees against the wall furthest from the door and tried to get some sleep. He had a sinking feeling that being given the cupboard would be the nicest thing his Aunt's family ever did for him.

896 words

A/N: long for the prologue, I know but I got a bit excited to write a second fic. Dw, once I get ideas I will continue my first work but atm I'm out of ideas for how to progress it and ideas of other starts to fics have circulated my mind, specifically this idea.

I hope you enjoy this story and reviews n critiques are always welcome here. :)

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