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The Bells' house, 26/12/1991, 9:12

"These people you said are meeting us in Diagon, is one of them the man who argued with the Potters?" Katie asked as the four Bells and Harrison stepped into the drawing room to floo to Diagon Alley. At his nod, she smiled brightly and took her spot in the fireplace next to him, floo powder in hand. "Then I think I'll get along with them brilliantly," she said before throwing the floo powder down and shouting "Diagon Alley!" The same emerald flames from the platform erupted around them before a similar swirl of colours consumed their vision. Harrison shut his eyes tightly so that soot wouldn't fall into them again. He felt solid ground beneath his feet and he lurched forwards suddenly, landing on his side onto a solid, hard-wood floor.

He rolled onto all fours as laughter erupted around him causing his face to turn crimson. He stood up gingerly, grasping the corner of a nearby table for support thanks to the dizziness from the floo still gripping him. The room swayed around him as he watched Katie walk over to him whilst giggling and she sat down in a free seat next to him.

"Do you think you're ever going to get used to floo travel?" she laughed, looking up at him, her brown eyes filled with merth. Harrison joined in with her laughter, shaking his head whilst the rest of the Bells emerged from the fireplace.

The group made their way out the back of the Leaky Cauldron and into the bustling streets of Diagon Alley. Harrison tensed with the large crowd moving around him, feeling completely overwhelmed by the torrent of wizards and witches moving between the shops. Katie placed a hand on his shoulder reassuringly and he relaxed a bit, still feeling nervous about the crowd but glad he was there with Katie helping him.

Damian led them through the cascading faces to the front entrance of Gringotts. This seemed perfectly normal to Harrison as they had originally planned to come here to buy gifts for the Bells' friends and they would need money to do that. Then he remembered what the woman from his dream told him to do and he looked at Katie with a pleading expression. She nodded and tapped her mother on the arm and brought her from standing the other side of Felicity to crouching down in front of Harrison.

"What is it, dear?" Alexia said softly, looking into Harrison's eyes with a smile. "D-do you think I could borrow seven sickles from you?" Harrison stammered out in a hushed tone, locking his gaze onto the floor. She reached into her purse and pulled out a bag of coins, reaching inside and counting out seven sickles before handing the silver coins to him. He smiled gratefully and walked off to find a free goblin.

"Hello, sir, I'd like to undergo a private inheritence test please," Harrison askes in the native tongue of the goblins. The goblin he spoke to and the ones nearby looked at him in shock, gaping at both his use of their mother tongue and respect towards the goblins. "So you're the one they spoke of in the French brotherhood," a goblin spoke behind him. Harrison turned and a goblin with a scarred face and gleaming red eyes looked up at him over silver spectacles.

"They speak about me, sir?" Harrison asked in confusion. He couldn't think of anything he had done to offend the magical French bankers and suddenly paled, wondering if he was going to be confronted for it here. The goblin who spoke to him just laughed raucously. "You truly are an odd one, young wizard. Come, I will heed your request," the goblin barked out and Harrison followed it into a side room with a large metal door.

The room was dinly lit with stone walls, giving it a cold and unwelcoming feeling. In the centre of the room was two chairs and a table with various objects sitting atop it. Harrison nervously took a seat after his goblin escort nodded to it. "Do you have the money to pay for a private inheritence test?" The goblin asked and Harrison nodded, removing a small leather pouch from around his neck and spilling out the contents onto the table. The goblin counted it then muttered an incantation, causing the bowl in front of him to glow for a few moments before returning to its dormant state.

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