Halloween and Harrison's Mind

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Harrison left the Hospital wing on the morning of Hallowe's Eve. He hated this day almost as much as he hated his birthday as it serves as a constant reminder of the day everything turned to shit for him. The constant reminder that he is seen as inferior to his brother. The constant reminder that he is unloved by his so-called parents and relatives. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, shutting his eyes whilst breaking into an idealistic fantasy of how things could have been if his family weren't attacked on Hallowe's Eve all those years ago. He continued down the corridor towards the moving staircases when he bumped into something solid, bringing him out of his imagination and flinging him to the floor.

He pushed himself to a sitting position, groaning in both pain from the fall and annoyance from the snickers of nearby students. An older boy with yellow trimmed robes crouched in front of him and offered him a hand up. "Sorry, I wasn't looking so I didn't see you there. Are you ok?" the older boy asked soothingly. Harrison smiled weakly and began to stand up as the older student did the same, slightly purplexed at why Harrison didn't take his hand up.

"I-I'm fine. I'm sorry for bumping into you, I had my eyes closed thinking about-" Harrison trailed off, his face reddening madly causing him to look at the ground in embarrassment. "About...?" the older student prompted, smiling warmly down at Harrison. Harrison shook his head and sped off up the first staircase that connected to where they were standing, amusing and confusing the older student at the same time. The snickers grew into hushed laughter as Harrison moved away causing the older student to turn to the group he was with. "Come on, guys. It's not funny, the kid's obviously a nervous wreck," the boy said.

"Yeah but the way he looked so embarrassed about it was hilarious," another older student in yellow chuckled,"c'mon, Ced, you're too nice to the younger years. You should be commanding respect from them being older." the boy laughed heartily whilst the boy he called Ced shook his head with a smile. "You maybe, but we should be helping the you ger students, not intimidating them. Knowing you have a few people in your corner in unexpected places can be a huge help for people. Ugh, I didn't catch his name," Ced sighed as he began walking to the hall with his friends. "You don't need to ask his name, everyone knows he's Harrison Potter- squib twin of the Boy-Who-Lived," a girl's voice came from Ced's left. "Can't be a squib if he's been accepted to Hogwarts, there's probably another reason like wand incompatibility or something," Ced shrugged as the entered the hall.

Harrison arrived at the portrait of the Fat Lady with a sigh. He reached out his hand to the edge of the portrait and it opened like always, having blood ties to Godrich Gryffindor certainly had some perks. Harrison clambered through the cylindrical hole to enter the common room. He made a beeline straight for his room on the first floor of the Gryffindor Common Room, not stopping around despite hearing his name being called. Once he was inside his room, he immediately closed his door and locked it before jumping onto his bed and burying his face into the silk sheets.

He lay there the full day. In fact, by the time he lifted his head the sun had set and he groaned realising he was going to get an earful from all the professors when he returned to lessons the next day. With a sigh, he got up and changed into clean robes to attend the Halloween feast. Why he was forced to celebrate today of all days was beyond him but he didn't want to incur the professors' wrath any more than he already had by skiving off all his lessons that day. When he left his chambers, he found the common room completely desolate, not one student had stayed behind. He slowly plodded out of the common room and was about to turn into the open doors of the Great Hall when he decided against it and went for a walk around the castle.

Meanwhile, in the Great Hall, a certain purple turbaned professor was sprinting up the centre aisle in desperation. "TROLL! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! Thought you ought to know-" Quirrell said before falling face first to the ground, seemingly unconscious. The following scene in the hall can only be described as utter pandemonium as students screamed in fear and many began to stand up to leave. "Sonorus," Dumbledore muttered, pointing his wand to his throat. "SILENCE!" Dumbledore's voice boomed across the hall, causing the students to stop completely still and silent. "Prefects, please lead the students of your houses to their common rooms, Slytherins you will stay here with Professors Snape and Flitwick," Dumbledore ordered before there was simultaneous shuffling from the Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor tables.

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