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Sebastian Delacour prided himself on being a rational thinker even in the most dire of situations but when facing the two people responsible for the almost decade of suffering Harrison had been through, it took great effort to supress his fury from reaching his mouth. "You mind telling me what happened eight years ago?" he asked evenly without breaking eye contact with James. Lily paled, James glared and Pomfrey watched on in barely restrained confusion. "Now you listen here, whoever you are," James growled as he clenched his fists,"the Potter family's business is none of your concern, never has, never will be. What gives you the right to comment on past happenings you know nothing about?" Lily placed a hand on James' shoulder in an attempt to calm him down as Sebastian just stared coldly. "It became my business when at the age of ten the boy appeared in a ball of flame, half dead, in the grounds of my home in France. So why don't you try again Mr Potter. Do you mind telling me what happened eight years ago?"

The question was more stated by Sebastian than asked. He already knew what had happened, of course, but he had wanted to hear the Potters' account and admission of guilt. James looked thoroughly enraged as Sebastian sat there adorning a stoney expression whilst attempting to interrogate him. "Of course, I could always raise an enquiry with the British Ministry. I have a friend there from the days I spent as an auror- Amelia Bones is her name, you may know her?" James blanched, if the DMLE found out about him willingly abandoning his son he would be done for.

Legally, they mightn't touch him which he wasn't as relieved about as he should have been. His main worry was that if they were informed then they could bring it to the Wizengamot and he would be cast out of the alliances the past generations of his family had built. He swallowed hard and faced his teary-eyed wife. She nodded at him and he opened his mouth to speak but the door to the infirmary was flung open.

Standing in the entrance was a smiling Dumbledore, a stern-faced McGonagall, a bweildered looking Alexander and Snape who was surprisingly red-faced and furious. "Mum, Dad? What's happening?" Alexander said trying to crane his neck to see who was in the bed. When he walked forwards, he recognised the pale blonde hair and a smrik crept its way onto his face as he looked down on the bedridden student. "Serves him right the arrogant prat." Alexander said, barely containing the pride in his voice. "15 points from Gryffindor, Mr Potter," a voice echoed against the walls of the Hospital Wing. Everyone turned to face Professor McGonagall in surprise as she would seldom take points from her lions, especially more than 10. "I will not have you stand there and insult one of my best students."

More astonishment from the adults this time. Harrison's class grades weren't exactly secret as all students' grades- good and bad- were often discussed in staff meetings and he was regularly bottom of the class in Transfiguration, Charms and Potions. Alexander was seething at being told off and at his good-for-nothing brother being held in high regards by McGonagall. "Best?" Alexander laughed,"he can't even cast a levitation charm and slacks off in all his classes! I'm far better than him at magic!" Alexander whined, staring at McGonagall before turning to his parents. "Tell them!" he exclaimed,"Dad, tell them how much better I am than Harrison at magic!" The two heads of house stared on in astonishment as Dumbledore watched the scene unfold in front of him. "Have you ever thought as to why the boy struggles with his magic so much?" an accented voice ran cold across the Hospital Wing, causing Alexander to flinch slightly, James to wince and McGonagall to shiver. Everyone turned their heads to Sebastian Delacour sat at Harrison's bedside, clutching the boy's hand with his own.

"Have you ever wondered as to why he is almost a squib in regards to our magic?" he asked as he began to stand up. "It's because of the imbalance in his magical core due to him being a druid." There were several gasps around the room at this, one from Lily, another from McGonagall and finally from Pomfrey who had returned to scold the owners of the shouting voices. "Unlike us normal wizards whose cores are a mix of Natural and Human magic with the majority taken up by Human magic, Harrison's core is the polar opposite to that. He excells at nature magic while struggles with even the most basic of spellcasting. If he knew how to fully control his nature magic- like normal children who stop accidental magic as they age- then he wouldn't be stuck with being unable to use spells. He does not know how to properly use his magic at all! In the little over a month I had with him, I tried to teach him all I could on controlling himself so that he wouldn't accidentally hurt others as he never had the parent figures in his early life to do it for him!" he ranted, glaring at Lily and James who just sat in stunned silence.

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