Insubordinate Power

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Harrison had been staying at Châteaux Delacour for a little over a week now, learning about magic and French from Sebastian, being doted on by Apolline Delacour and walking around the grounds with Fleur. Often on their walks, many wild animals would come to Harrison causing Fleur to smile whenever he picked up mice or squirrels and cradled them or played with them. Fleur had mentioned it in passing to her father one night after dinner and it had piqued his interest, it would certainly link to the boy's extremely pale hair and unusually powerful magical core but it was nearly impossible for that to be the case- after all, one hadn't been seen in Britain since before the times of Grindelwald's warmongering. If his speculation about Harrison was correct, however, he would need to protect the child at all costs and make sure he understood and could control his magic before he hurt anyone.

During the early days Harrison's stay, Sebastian had wrote to Dumbledore asking for a list of necessary supplies for a first year entering Hogwarts, listing his reason as a family had stayed with him over summer and misplaced their letter about it. Within 3 days he received a reply with the list attached and ordered his house elves to buy the items instead of taking Harrison out in public. Later that same day, the elves had returned with all the necessary books and potions ingredients but did't bring any robes, wand or animal as Harrison himself was needed for those.

It was now the 28th of July when the Delacours and Harrison had apparated to the entrance of the French Ministry of Magic and descended into the lobby. They had walked to the floo terminal and the five of them disappeared in a flash of emerald flame. The light had reminded Harrison of that Halloween night when he was only a year old, causing him to shudder slightly. He would get payback against Voldemort for attacking him and then revenge against his parents for abondoning him. Sebastian began walking forward with his family close behind him as they all checked in with the British Ministry employee sat at the customs desk. Apolline handed over all five of their entry passes and the man behind the desk gasped when he reached the final one. "H-Harrison Potter?" the man sputtered,"as in t-the Boy-Who-Lived and war hero P-Potters?" Harrison's eyes flickered in fury at the mention of his family and walked through the gate, grabbing his pass on the way through, the Delacours not far behind.

Sebastian could see Harrison was seething with rage and was worried about what could happen if the boy's hidden power was released in such a crowded area such as Diagon Alley. He swallowed hard as he envisioned the utter destruction that could occur and decided to beckon Harrison away from the crowd to calm him down. After a fee minutes of breathing the boy seemed to have supressed his anger and looked like he usually did once more. Smiling, Sebastian stood up straight and led them to another floo terminal, this time taking them to Diagon Alley instead of across seas. As the family stepped into the main shopping district of Magical Britain, the children were all wide eyed and whispering in awe.

Apolline first took them into Twilfit and Tattings to get Harrison's robes made. He left with a single set of casual blue robes made of acromantula silk and two sets of acromantula silk Hogwarts uniform, all enchanted with growth charms so that he would never have a problem with his robes fitting him in the future. They then went into the Magical Menagerie to buy Harrison an owl but got kicked out when the white haired boy let all the animals out their cages and began playing gently with them. For the commotion, Sebastian gave 50 galleons to the shopkeep as an apology for Harrison's misbehaviour and swiftly moved on to get him a new wand.

They entered a small wand shop near the furthest end of the alley which had connections to a highly coveted German wandmaker in Dresden. The portly man behind the counter slowly explained to Harrison what he needed to do. First, reach out with your magic to the wood and let it decide which is right, then do the same with the core and finally the focus stone. Harrison did as he was told and, after less than 10 minutes, collected the three items and placed them on the counter. After waiting for an hour, the shopkeep returned with a wand in his right hand and a stone in the other. "My this is a brilliant wand, my boy!" the man exclaimed giddily as he placed it on the counter,"10½ inch, fir wood with a phoenix tail feather core. I recently had a batch of tail fewthers shipped in from France where you are visiting from. Whether there is a connection, I cannot say but that wand will work wonders for you, young man." The shopkeep finished with a praising look on his face

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