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The date? The 19th of July, 1991. The blonde haired boy living in the boot cupboard of 4 Privet Drive was stood on a stool in the kitchen, vigorously washing dishes as his lardass of a cousin and whale of an uncle sat watching cartoons a few metres away. After he had finished the dishes, his uncle had ordered him to go and get the post from the door. When the blonde had hesitated for a small moment he had found a a frying pan pressed against his knuckles, scorching his hand from his aunt who hissed at him to hurry up. He winced slightly from the burn but went to the door anyways. He picked up the pile of letters- there were six in total.

A postcard from one of his cousin's friends, a doctor's letter about his Aunt's appointment, a charity bag to collect old clothes for the homeless, two business letters addressed to his Uncle and finally one adressed to him, sealed close with red wax with a symbol imprinted into it. He began to open it but Dudley, his cousin, snatched it from his hands, giggling and gave it to Vernon, his uncle, who flicked his gaze from the letter to Harrison filled with rage. He stood up and took off his belt and began to stomp towards the small blonde boy who had fallen backwards and stumbled into the wall.

Vernon raised the belt and brought it down agaisnt Harrison with overwhelming force, reaching for any exposed skin he could find. When Harrison didn't make a sound, his Uncle bounded over to the kitchen and grabbed a large knife from the draw. He rushed towards Harrison and plinged the blade into the back of his hand causing the boy to cry out in agony. Vernon pulled out the knife and placed it on the kitchen worktop before making his way over to the roaring fireplace.

Harrison watched as his uncle lifted up the iron rod used to move the logs which was resting amongst the flickering flames. Why the man lit the fireplace during the summer was always baffling to Harrison but now wasn't the time for thinking about that, he had to find a way out, a way to escape. Vernon shuffled towards Harrison, an evil glint in his eyes as he pulled the small boy to his feet and chucked him into the armchair face first. Vernon wrapped his left hand around his nephew's shirt and lifted it up, swinging the white hot iron rod at the same time and striking the child in the back. Harrison screamed out in pain and tried to wriggle free of Vernon's grip but once the second strike of the rod came, he gave up that attempt and began to sob into the cushion below him.

Vernon raised the rod and struck Harrison a third time before turning him so the blonde was face to face with him. He raised the rod a fourth time and Harrison shut his eyes screaming. In a burst of flames that filled the room with a bright yellow light, Harrison disappeared from the Dursley residency. Vernon's hand was burnt quite badly but he yelled out something about freakishness before slamming the iron rod into the fireplace and moving into the kitchen to run his hand under cold water, swearing to get that little freakish brat back tenfold for fighting back.

Harrison fell onto a large, open field  unconscious as a large, red feathered bird landed next to him and started to trill loudly. Twenty minutes later Harrison woke up slowly and looked around. He was in a four poster bed which had surprised him due to him never being allowed to sleep outside the cupboard with the Dursleys unless he wanted to receive a beating from Vernon. He looked up and on the curtain rail was sat a beautiful bird with feathers countless shades of red and orange peering down at him. He smiled at the bird which bowed in turn and began to preen its feathers. He looked to his left and saw a girl with long golden hair speaking excitedly to a short, dark haired man who was speaking quite slowly. Harrison couldn't understand a word they were saying and he groaned and winced as he tried to rise in the bed.

The dark haired man helped him sit up and handed him a bowl of soup which Harrison stared at quizzically. He had never been offered food before, especially not as much as what the man had given him and had begun to wonder if it was a ploy from the Dursleys to get rid of him by poisoning him. He continued to stare at the bowl of deep red liquid in his hands before the man started to spoon feed him. He swallowed the hot liquid and thought it was delicious, unlike his Aunt's cooking which was always flavourless. He took the spoon from the man's hand as he began to wolf down the soup, spilling a lot of it onto the sheets. He looked up at the man with an apologetic look but his host just smiled at him. The man took the bowl and raised his hand towards Harrison's head, causing the boy to recoil backwards and hit his head off the wooden board behind him.

"Are you alright, boy?" The man said, Harrison looked up at him in confusion as he could now understand the words leaving his mouth,"do you remember your name or how you came to be here?" Harrison squinted for a moment, wondering if it was some sort of trick before deciding to answer. The man gave him food, way more than the Dursleys ever had, so he can't be that bad, right? "M-my name is Harrison," he murmured in a barely audible tone. "Harrison, my name is Sebastian Delacour and this is my eldest daughter, Fleur. Do you know how you got into our garden?"

Harrison shook his head as an answer to the question. Expecting a beating for not knowing, he lowered his head. After a few seconds of not getting attacked, he looked up to see Sebastian smiling at him. Harrison pulled his knees to his chin tearing up and beginning to cry into the covers. He had escaped the Dursleys, they couldn't hurt him anymore, he was free. He looked up at Sebastian as he began to speak,"H-how come I can n-now unders-stand you when I couldn't bef-fore?" he asked between sniffs as the tears stopped falling. "We put a pain relief potion into your soup and upon realising you couldn't understand us I also added a translation potion." Sebastian explained, smiling softly at the battered boy sat in the bed. "Potions? But potions can't be real, can they?" He whispered, completely flabberghasted at the news.

"Harrison, what do you know about magic?" Sebastian asked. When the boy shook his head he explained everything he coukd about magic, about how it usually manifests as a child grows into accidental uses like changing the colours of things or breaking small objects. He then explained how at age 11 a child is admitted into the magical school of their home country and receive a letter before the schoolyear starts so that they can purchase the necessary supplies and finishing off with how the bird on his four poster bed, which he found out was a phoenix, must have transported him here through its magic. All this left Harrison with his mouth gaping, staring at the man in utter bewilderment. The man said that he would let Harrison rest and speak to him in the morning as it was getting late. He took the girl by the hand and led her out the room, closing the door behind him after they both left. With that, Harrison lay back on the pillows and had entered a deep slumber almost instantaneously.

The same time at Hogwarts...

Dumbledore was pacing his office as instruments exploded around him. The blood wards protecting Harrison Potter had fallen and he had no idea why. When he went to check the wards, he entered the house and had found out from using legillimency on Petunia that the boy had disappeared which terrified the headmaster. When he had returned to his office, he had used his last vial of Harrison's blood on an advanced tracking ritual but when he had completed it, the instrument he had used has also shattered with a puff of smoke. The old man was positively terrified now. What would he tell the Potters? He had promised to keep their son safe and now he had disappeared without a trace.

He brought in some of the members of the Order, namely Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Arthur Weasley, Emmeline Vance and Kingsley Shacklebolt and organised a search party. He had to find the missing Potter boy at all costs otherwise he would lose the loyalty of two of his most powerful Order members: James Potter, solid duellist and the owner Potter fortune and then Sirius Black, the godfather of the missing child, third best duellist in the Order behind himself and Alastor and he also was the heir to the entire Black fortune, one of the largest in Magical Britain. Dumbeldore knew he was treading on thin ice and had to act quickly to save himself from falling into the cracks.

1578 words

A/N: Ok, first chapter done. Very heavy shit packed in but at least Harry is safe now. Also blonde Harry? Why is he blonde and why is his scar different?

Harry is gonna be very powerful in this fic but not in first year as he only found out about magic a month and a half before he goes to school. He will still attend Hogwarts, don't worry, I'm not gonna make him to go to Beuxbatons where I have to make up like 60 OCs that's too much effort

Anways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and appreciate any reviews or critiques you may have. :)

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