First Day and Forest

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Harrison woke up with at 6am on September 2nd. He looked from left to right, taking in his surroundings. He smiled to himself, thankful that everything wasn't just a dream. For the first half an hour of the morning, he meditated to organise his thoughts, ease his magic and try to build on occlumency. He had been i formed by Sebastian that some people, like the headmaster, may try to read his mind to find out his secrets. This worried Harrison as it meant his past with the Dursleys would be brought up and he didn't want that so Sebastian had given the boy a book on the theory and basics behind practicing the mind arts. After his meditation was finished he had a shower and got dressed, his actomantula silk robes fitting him comfortably. Saveuse jumped down from her perch and onto Harrison's left shoulder, wrapping her tail feathers around his right. Smiling, he left his room at 7am and emerged into an almost empty common room.

Harrison decided to sit in front of the fireplace instead of approach the other students who were shooting him glares or apprehensive looks whenever he looked at them. He crossed his legs on the armchair and began to read, his familiar nuzzlig its beak against his face, wanting food. More and more students eventually poured into the common room from the upstairs dorms and, feeling stifled, Harrison edged to the portrait hole and left the room without attracting attention to himself. As he walked down the stairs to the entrance hall he heard hurried footsteps behind, turning sharply he saw the advancing figures of Fred and George being chased by a third person that he couldn't see. The third person was flinging stinging hexes at the two boys who were prancing about, dodging as many as they could. Harry turned to go down the stairs but was hit on the side of the ear with one of the stray sting hexes causing him to shout in anger.

Fred and George stopped still and the third person stopped firing spells as they walked over. "Sorry, Harrison, I was just trying to get these two gits because they tried to peep on the third year girls when they were changing." Angelina said, glaring at the Weasley twins who began laughing wildly again. Harrison flicked his wrist up and the two where hoisted into the air, spinning and bouncing up and down before being dropped roughly to the floor. "There, revenge served." Harrison muttered through gritted teeth as he walked off down the stairs. Fred and George groaned and winced in pain as they stood up and moved to either side of Angelina. "You know, Fred, I think we shoulf get that little twerp back," George said. "I think you're absolutely right, Georgie," Fred replied with a nod. Angelina smacked both of them on the back of the head. "Listen, Harrison is the one kid in the entire school you're not allowed to play a prank on. There's something off about him and I don't think pranking him will make anything better, is that clear?" she rounded on them with her arms folded, a stern look which rivalled McGonagall's resting on her face. The two Weasley twins swallowed and then nodded in fear before the third year trio went into the hall for breakfast.

Harrison sat, staring at a full bowl of porridge on the table in front of him as he absentmindedly stirred the mixture with his spoon. He always had trouble eating around others thanks to the Dursleys always punishing him if he took too much. Harrison learned quickly if he only took a quarter of a portion then he wouldn't receive any beatings from his uncle and that was what he had subconsciously started doing for every meal, even when at the Delacour's. This left him as the shortest and skinniest boy in his year by two or three inches but he never took notice of it. He was pulled out of his thoughts by a sheet of parchment being thrust in front of him by McGonagall who also told him that Dumbledore wanted to see him in his office as soon as classes ended. Harrison just stared at his new timetable and looked at which classes he had

On Mondays, first period was Transfiguration with the Slytherins, then Herbology with the Hufflepuffs and History of Magic with the Ravenclaws before lunch. In the afternoon, he had potions, charms and flying lessons with the Slytherins and then was free for two hours until dinner started.

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