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Harrison slowly ascended the stairs outside of Dumbledore's office in an attempt to suspend his suspension. He reached the top and stood at the door a moment and took a deep breath to steady himself. "Brave heart, Harrison," he muttered to himself before knocking gently on the door. At Dumbledore's call of enter, he pushed open the wooden door and stepped in timidly.

On the (his) right side of the office, the Potters were sat on a sofa against the wall whilst Snape stood further back, leaning against a stone pillar. On the opposite side of the room and standing behind Dumbledore's desk was McGonagall who had her lips pursed so thin that she could give Aunt Petunia a run for her money. Dumbledore sat with his hands clasped in front of his chin, peering over his half-moon spectacles at Harrison with his 'disappointed grandfather' look. Harrison slowly made his way to the desk and took a seat, his eyes moving up to Fawkes as a way to at least attempt to calm himself.

"Well, Harrison," Dumbledore said as he placed his hands on the desk, intertwining his fingers, "I have to say, I am extremely disappointed in you." He paused and looked at Harrison who was still staring down the sleeping phoenix. With a quick sigh, Dumbledore continued "First you leave a class unauthorised, then you attack a member of staff without any reason, let alone a viable one. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" His tone remained soft, almost welcoming; however, the admonishing element of the question was clear to everybody in the room.

"I do, actually," Harrison said quietly as he steepled his fingers, "but you'll need Professor Flitwick here to confirm it." Nobody moved whilst Dumbledore moved slowly to the fireplace to call Flitwick to his office over the floo. Flitwick stepped into the office and took in the scene. His eyes instantly locked onto Harrison who was sat staring at his lap at the Headmaster's desk.

Flitwick quickly moved to Harrison's side, a comforting look on his face as he began to speak. "Are you alright, Harrison? I apologise for our last lesson, I committed a severe error and it was unfair to you to suffer the consequences of it," Flitwick sighed morosely, taking off his glasses to clean them and replacing them before speaking once more.

"I understand that you may not want to speak of it here, but I understand something happened over the winter break?" Flitwick looked up into Harrison's eyes, inwardly smiling at how similar they were to Lily's. Harrison stared back, activating Flitwick's passive legillimency which allowed him to skim through Harrison's memories from the winter break. Flitwick exited Harrison's mind and, for a brief moment, fury flickered across his face before it was replaced by the comforting look again.

"Albus, I will handle Harrison's punishment," Flitwick announced, turning to face the rest of the office's occupants. "Filius, please, Harrison attacked a staff member. Usually, that would be grounds for expulsion," Dumbledore responded in an exasperated tone.

"Yes, he attacked a staff member which is partially my fault for my lapse in judgement as a teacher and mentor. So I will ask once again that his punishment be mine to dish out- it will be just and fair, it will be appropriate, I asure you," Flitwick retorted sternly. Dumbledore looked taken aback at the stubborn resistance from his charms teacher. He looked at McGonagall and Snape for support but neither gave it. He looked at the Potters who had remarkably remained silent through the entire meeting.

"Professor Flitwick, Harrison is already being let off massively with a suspension. Why do you plan on reducing his punishment even further when he attacked Lily unprovoked?" James asked, raising his voice slightly. Dumbledore inwardly celebrated, James getting involved in the debate would give him in extra boost and hopefully the win against Flitwick. Harrison's abilities were slowly becoming superior to Alexander's and he couldn't have that happening when he was hoping to sacrifice Harrison to Voldemort.

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