Loving Dead People.

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-that next morning-

Yuka woke up and looked around. Her legs were hurting and she yawned. Yuuya opened his eyes too and looked at Yuka. He smiled and kissed her nose.

"Hey beautiful.." he whispered softly. Yuka was too tired to react and just poked his cheek. He chuckled. "How do you feel?" he whispered softly. Yuka sighed. "My legs hurt..they feel sore..".Yuuya nodded and lifted her, walking towards the living room. Yuka's eyes widened. "H-hey, what are you doing?!" she asked confused. Yuuya smiled and laid her down on the couch.

"Because you made me happy yesterday, I'll make you happy today."

Charlotte woke up and yawned. She looked at her leg and bit her lip. The wound wasn't gone..it was worse. The got up and started to walk, feeling pain shoot through her leg every time she moved her leg.

She began to become a bit angry. "I have school today, I have to walk!" she yelled. She grabbed her school uniform and she'd put it on. She saw the wound was visible because she was stabbed above her socks. She sighed. "At least Shinozaki has a scar underneath her eye..".

Ayumi got up and called Rico to take care of Ryouta while she was at school. She was changing and sighed when she saw the wound. "Bunzaj.." she muttered softly. She walked to the living room and kissed Ryouta's forehead.

"Okay honey, I'm going now." she said. He smiled and ran towards Rico.

"I'm sure Rico Onii-chan will take good care of me!" he said, grabbing Rico's arm. Rico smiles and nodded. "Don't worry, I'll keep him out of the bathroom for now." he said. Ayumi nodded and grabbed her bag, walking away.

Sakutaro and Seiko walked towards school, meeting Charlotte on their way. Seiko saw the wound and raised her brow. "What's that?" she asked. Charlotte bit her lip. "I got into a fight." she said. Before Seiko could ask more things, she saw Kyla and Naomi walking towards them.

Seiko quickly grabbed Sakutaro's hand, pulling him closer to her. Kyla saw it and frowned, pulling Naomi down and giving her a deep kiss. Tears filled Seiko's eyes and she looked away. Kyla smiled and broke the kiss.

Not long after that, Ayumi walked towards them. Charlotte saw her and started to walk a bit faster. Sakutaro got worried and grabbed her arm. "H..hey, you'll hurt y-!". Charlotte fell to her knees because he grabbed her arm. "You idiot!" she yelled, looking at her bloody knees. Sakutaro fixed his glasses. "I..I'm sorry!" he said quickly. Ayumi walked towards them and sighed.

"Don't mind that psycho." she said. Naomi turned towards her. "Shinozaki?" she asked, seeing the wound underneath her eye. "What did you do?" she asked. Ayumi sighed and rolled with her eyes. "Ask Bunzaj." she said, pointing at her. Charlotte looked up and clenched her fists. "You tried to poison me!". Ayumi giggled. "I just wanted to kill another rat with rat poison." she whispered with a evil grin on her face. Kyla's eyes widened. "That's just.." she shook her head and looked away.

"Hey, why are you on the ground?" a female voice said. Charlotte looked up, seeing a girl with short, chopped blonde hair and ocean blue eyes looking at her. The girl helped her up and looked at her knees.

"Looks like you're hurt pretty bad.." she said. Charlotte nodded. "Yeah..thanks for helping me.." she said. "It's fine..my name is Sauto Yashiro.." the girl said, shaking Charlotte's hand. Charlotte smiled a bit. "I'm Charlotte Bunzaj, nice to meet you.". Ayumi rolled with her eyes. "Okay, enough lovey-dovey stuff." she said, walking past them. Charlotte blushed madly and Sauto giggled.

"S..Shinozaki, you can go and fuck your dead husband!" Charlotte screamed angry. Sakutaro's eyes widened and Seiko gasped. Ayumi stopped walking and stared at the ground. "And you can go and fuck your dead boyfriend..". Charlotte moved her eyes away and Ayumi started to walk again.

Seiko looked into Sakutaro's eyes. "K..Kishinuma is dead.." she whispered, starting to cry.

That day Sauto ate with them. Ayumi and Charlotte didn't talk to each other and Kyla kept doing stuff with Naomi in front of Seiko. Charlotte ate her salad and Sauto shook her head.

"Some girls.." she whispered. Charlotte nodded. "I can't believe Shinozaki said that.." she whispered, staring at her food. "Said what?" Sauto asked. "That you could go and fuck your dead boyfriend?". Charlotte shook her head. "No, that stupid lovey-dovey stuff.". Sauto smiled. "Ow well, I don't mind." she said. Charlotte raised her brow. "You don't?". Sauto smiled and stared into Charlotte's brown eyes.

"Nah, I'm bi after all."

:/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/

It's weird to write about yourself! x3

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See you in the next chap!


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