~Chapter 1~ The container

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Third person POV

"You think he'll give a fuck about what your fucking excuses are,lemme tell you something if I got fucked up because of this shit I'll kill you,I'll fucking put a bullet in your skull you hear me"he kicked a chair beside him twirling the gun in his hands,he point the gun towards the terrified man standing by the door,unable to run.Contemplating wether to kill the bastard or not.

"I swear I'll fucking kill you"he walked pass the shaking man and headed to the elevator.

Arriving at the top floor of the gigantic skyscraper they are in,he stood by a large double doors contemplating weather to walk In because there's a possibility he won't come out with his own legs.

He slowly walked in to the study room,a man sat behind a desk his back turned against the desk,a cigarette in his hand.

The man didn't bother to turn around because he already knows the people that are allowed to enter his study.

"What's it Roman" finally turning around,one look at his right hand man told him they fucked up,again.

"Umm Kyle some problem occurred" the blonde hair guy said clearly afraid.

"Ohh really?"

"Yes,I know I said I got it under control,but samuel's men got an intel and they got there first"the blondie said trying to atleast put the blame on someone else.

"Did they?" Kyle said,his expression calm.

But that's what Roman and everyone feared the most,his calmness,they prefer having him angry than this calmness.

"I can take some men and retrieve the container"Roman said,desperation clearly in his voice.

"No need,let's go"Kyle stood up and walk around his desk to walk pass Roman.
They headed out together to the ground floor,a car awaited right outside the building.

Roman released a sigh of relief,because atleast he know that he escapes death since Kyle is willing to go retrieve it,but he knows that punishment still awaits him.

They arrived by the sea,big ships and hundreds of containers everywhere with people bustling around,some freeze by the sight of the most terrifying man in the whole city and some that don't know who he's continue with there business.

His steps are graceful yet powerful,he exclude a powerful aura that makes people afraid just by being in his presence,handsome but deadly,some called him  the grim reaper.

Kyle casually walk in a building far by the corner of the bustling place,a man by the door rushed inside hurriedly clearly to alarm the people of his arrival.

As soon as the two of them enter the building they were surrounded by sea of men ,each holding a gun pointing toward them,ready to shoot at order.

"Well well well,see who we've here,I thought right,you want that container so much that it brings you here?" A middle age man part the sea of armed men to stand in front of Kyle and Roman,a smug smile on his face.

"Samuel it will be better if you just hand that container over right now"Roman said to him with a warning look.

Ignoring his warning Samuel come to stand in front of Kyle grinning from ear to ear.

"You know you fucked me over right,you think I'll fucking let it go,I've only request that peace treaty for this day,so that I'll fucking pay you back" his laugh hard "with death you fucking asshole"

Kyle had an indifferent look on his face,it's as if he's bored of what's happening there.

"Where's the container" he said simply,dismissing the words Samuel was saying.
"Maybe I'll make your death easy,cause you know you'll die wether you hand it over or not,so spear me the trouble and tell me where the goddamn container is?"

"No"was Samuel simple answer,before he proceed to say anything else,Kyle have put a bullet through his head,he fall back to the ground lifeless.

The place went eerily silent,no one have seen how he took out the gun,it was as if he stop the time to take the gun out and shot,the men all look at the lifeless body of there boss on the ground,with a single red hole in the middle of his forehead.

A few men that broke out of there trance quickly aim their guns toward him.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Kyle said bringing the lid cigarette to his lips.

"Fucking kill him,you think you can come in here,kill my brother and walk out unscathed"a guy yelled with a rage filled voice,the rest of the men snap out of there trance and correct there aim.
Samuels brother walk towards him with haste but before he could reach him he was shot death too,but not from kyles gun.

"Fucking stupids,they don't listen"Roman whispered under his breath before leaning on the wall behind him waiting for the show to unfold.

Gun shots filled the place in matter of seconds as lifeless bodies keep falling to the ground,the men can't seem to find the source of the fire,they all scattered everyone desperate to find a hiding place to survive,they surely have messed with the grim reaper.

After minutes of shooting the place went silent except the occasional groans of life living the body of the men scattered on the ground,blood flows like river.Kyle casually walked skipping over the bodies until he reach a man that is hiding behind a table cowering in fear,he seems to have escape or so he thought.

"Now,where's the container?"the man quickly look up shaking so hard.
"It's...it's in ...it's in a container vessel tha...that is right outside,number 7 and the color of the container is green,it has a number on it, 13 yes 13"the man said horridly wanting to keep his life.

Kyle look down at him nodding a little before shooting him in the head,he turn around and head to the door throwing out his cigarette by the way.
Roman follow behind him silently and they walk together towards the description the man gave them.

Some men in black join them,following behind them until they boarded the ship and walk towards the container,it's the only one on the ship.
"Open it"he said and some men move forward and begin to break the chains on the lock.After finally breaking it they proceed to open it.

The moment it was open,a girl stood there with her arm covering her face probably due to the light,she looked around the age of 18 to 19,some part of her cloth had blood on it and she was pale like a ghost,despite how dirty and sick she looks the moment she remove her hand,one can't deny that she's truly so beautiful.

When her eyes adjusted to the light she blinked multiple time looking at the men in front of her seemingly lost.

Hope you enjoy the first chapter,voice your thoughts on the comments section and don't forget to vote.

Love y'all ❤️

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