~Chapter 5~ Feelings

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Third person's pov


She sob uncontrollably clinging onto him desperately,surprisingly he hugged her back and start caressing her brown locks gently comporting her.

He was sending deadly glares to the man that stood frozen looking at them utterly speechless.

"Get the fuck OUT OF HERE"he shouted at him which made her hold him more tighter.
The man almost ran out of the corridor wanting to keep his life,the other onlookers silently disappeared too  afraid to draw attention to themselves.

He picked her up and walked to the elevator returning to the top floor,he went straight to there bedroom and gently placed her on the after bed before fetching her a glass of water.

He watch her gulped down the water as he wandered what the hell  she is doing to him,because he's not acting like himself since she appeared before him,he was not  the kind of person that denies his feelings,he find fighting one's emotions total bullshit,why try to deny it when you know damn well what's he's feeling.

He can't deny that she's someone intriguing to him,someone that spark an unknown emotion in him,someone whom he can't watch get hurt,someone he's willing to risk anything for,and it terrified him so much that he's feeling so much for this short period of time.

Everything about her bring peace to his cold wicked heart,yes he admits that she's annoying the hell out of him and he have been asking himself why he's letting her be,what happened moments ago answered his desperate questions.

when he heard her scream he almost break the door of the room he's in,his whole body shake afraid if something might have happened to her,and when he had her in his arms her head against his chest he felt utter relief,it was at that moment that he knew his own true feelings.

"How did you open the door evie?" Her light brown eyes shot up to him before she innocently blink her eyes and  look down at her fingers,fiddling with them.

He have made sure to lock the door and it baffled him how she manage to open it.

"I am asking you,how did you open it"he asked again grabbing her jaw and making her look at him.

She bring out the thin cooper wire that she have kept in her trouser pocket and show it to him bitting her bottom lip waiting for his reaction.

"You opened it with this?"she nod her head vigorously.

"How did you learn how to do this"he questioned her furrowing his eyebrows.

She stared at him as her memories went back to her child self locked in a small bedroom with a tiny bed,her small hands playing with a copper wire through the metal keyhole until it miraculously opened,it surprised her so she closed it again and repeat what she did. It became fun thing to do until she was almost beating to death after being caught.

"Evie calm down,breathe" Kyle voice rang in her head as she returned to reality to realize that she seems to be struggling to catch her breath.

"Look at me,breathe ok?"she breathe manually a few times before she became stable.

She looked at him sitting beside her and moved closer to him embracing him tightly while gazing at the carpet on the floor.

They stood there for a long period of time before Kyle noticed that the girl was fast asleep,he gently picked her up and placed her on the bed tugging her in.

He sat down beside her caressing her hair softly looking at her sleeping face. Her lashes were fanning her cheeks lightly and her plump lips were pouted slightly,she have a peaceful and serene look.

He wondered how it'll feel to captured those soft looking lips between his,to caress her body,every nook and cranny,to have her beneath him moaning and thrashing with pleasure.

He felt his trousers tightened and he cursed silently under his breath,she have always entice him but he have refrained from thinking of anything sexual with her. But now that he is slowly accepting his feelings it will be one hell of a job.


He just needed some release,the cold showers aren't helping anymore,all he wanted was her petite body against his and he doesn't know what the hell is stopping him,he was out to get some and here he was back with her,because of her.

He let out a frustrated before joining her in the bed and drawing her close to him,slowing falling asleep.


One of the women she get acquainted to seeing drag her towards the eerily silent corridors,they pass by series of cells and she curiously look at the people inside it,she recognizes some of them they take baths together in the bath house while the other faces look foreign to her,all of them have a distant hopeless look on there face.

They exit the corridor and proceed to a part she have never been before,it have lights and smooth beautiful paints,all in all it looks lovely ,she wouldn't mind staying here,she plays with the copper wire in her small hands feeling it coldness in her skin and smiling widely.

Her eyes stop wandering when they stood in front of a door and her small self look up to see the tall woman that didn't bother to look at her,she knocked on the door and opened it after a few seconds to drag her in what seem to be an office.

"This is the girl?" A bulky looking man sitting on one of cushions chairs opposite to another stranger asked after briefly looking at her,he directed the question to the other stranger.

She naively blinked at them wondering what's going on,she took a step back when the bulky man came and squat in front her,he was intimidating and one emotion surge deep inside her,fear.
He bring his hand to her face caressing it softly and then proceed to the other part of her body,she try to back away but the woman that have brought her block her and hold her still.

"She's exactly how I like,naive,stupid and fucking adorable" he said licking his lips.when his hands starts to move downward the 6year old girl break into a loud cry and out of impulse she brought up her hand and sliced his face with the metal in her hand.

"Evie wake up"Kyle repeated voice calling her to wake up makes her slowly open her eyes,nightmares from the pass still haunts her and she still takes the present as past,in her mind she just know that it'll become a painful memory too.

But for the first time she saw hope,when she look at his unbothered eyes she doesn't see malice, atleast when he's looking at her,there's that broken yet serene look in his eyes when he's looking at her that she saw since the first time she saw him.

Her guts might be wrong but she believed that she will be safe with him,protected and taken cared of.She no longer trust anyone anymore just him and only him.

She sat up looking at him and this time before she threw herself on him he enveloped her in a tight hug making her straddle him.


We got an insight on evie's past and kyles mind.don't forget to leave a vote😊

Love y'all ❤️

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