~Chapter 3~ Panic

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Third person POV

He looked at her intently "evie"he tried testing the name liking how it sounds.

"Get off me"she slowly stood up but fall back on him again due to how dizzy she felt,he looked at her annoyed before standing up with her in his arms,princess style,she leaned her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

"Get some food up here"he said after pressing a button on his desk,his strides are long as he take her out of the study room,the entire top floor was empty because no one was allowed up there except a few.He walk into a bedroom before putting her atop a couch by the far corner.

He took a seat beside her before taking out a cigarette and lighting it again,again her hands move slowly to take it out but he send her a sharp glare.
"Don't you fucking do that again,or I'll cut your fucking fingers off"

She looked at him dazed again before putting her hand down.
"That's what I thought"he take his eyes off her before continuing what he was doing.

Out of blue the cigarette was snatched from his hands,he was shocked for a second before turning to look at the daredevil beside him.His hands grab her jaw roughly bringing her face close to him.

She released a pained groan with how hard his hands are on her jaw. "Give it back" she shook her head slightly.
"Give me the fucking cigarette Evie or I swear I'll put a fucking bullet in your head"again she shook her head.

He released her jaw replacing it with her neck,he squeezed it cutting off her airways,she struggled to get his hands off but his grip was tied.

After releasing his grip,She cough so hard trying to catch her breath looking at him with teary eyes,he was still looking like he's contemplating on killing her or not.

She looked at the cigarette in her hand before smashing it on the table in front of him,after she was done she threw herself on him hugging his torso and started crying out loud.

He can't seem to understand this girl,he have almost killed her just now and here she's hugging him and crying,shouldn't she have run away.He sigh,she have been here for not more than a day and she's fucking his head already.He didn't even try to remove her from his body.Throwing his head back he chuckled and shake his head,she's amusing and confusing.


After taking a bath and eating sufficiently food Evie was given a dress to wear,it stopped just about her knees,light pink in color,sleeveless and soft.

She was still in that room they had entered earlier,after sleeping for sufficient hours she woke up feeling so energetic but Kyle is not there,he have been sitting on that couch when she fell asleep but now he's gone.

She started panicking getting off the bed and almost running to the door,bolting out of the room she trace back to the study room she first woke up at,her breath uneven and eyes filled with tears,she pushed open the door and her eyes darted around the room,until she locate him sitting on a cushion couch not far from his desk.

Without wasting a second she run towards him and straddle him hugging him tight with her face on his neck.The place went dead silent.

"What the fuck??? Who the fuck is she?"a female voice rang beside her,she remove her face from the nook of his neck and place it on his shoulder looking at the source of voice,the woman is sitting beside them looking at her like she wants to kill her,she blinked innocently at her and tightened her grip on his neck.

Kyle was frozen since the girl bolt in like she was chased by something only to come and envelope him in a tight hug,he don't know what's wrong with her or why she's clinging onto him at every chance she get,but he's annoyed as hell right now.

Not having the energy to try to peel her from him,he sigh and look at the people sitting,they are discussing business when she barged in
"You're dismissed,Tain  take care of the deal and deliver the paper work to my desk by tomorrow morning" he said to the three people before throwing his head back and placing his hand on the head of the girl resting on his chest caressing her hair gently.

"Kyle who the fuck is she?" He turn to look at the woman beside him,he thought she have left.

"Kira not now"he said and rise up a bit to look at the girl atop of him ,she was looking at kira intently,her gaze so innocent and gentle.

"Who the fuck are you,get off him you man seeking whore"Kira said enraged before she stood up and start trying to pull the koala off him,Evie hold on to him tighter,when the women dug her nails in her arms she let out a cry but still holding onto him.

"Get off ,get off him bitch"
"Kira release her,don't make me repeat myself"he said tired of how they are shaking him.

She huffed before taking her bag and storming out,slamming the door.Evie released him and sat upright still straddling him,she checked her arm inspecting the crescent shape wounds inflected by that woman nails shedding silent tears.

She turn to look at him,his eyes already on her watching her intently.She point her finger to his chest poking him,and then signaling with her hand asking him a question.

"What?" He ask his gaze darkening as he look at her,she poked his chest again.

"Are you mute,speak,how am I supposed to understand what you want to say,use your fucking voice" she looked down fiddling with her fingers and he sigh for the umpteenth time that day.

"Get up me Evielyn" she slowly got up but seat beside him her hands snacked around his arm while she lean her head on his shoulders.


Love y'all

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