∇ - 𝐆𝐈𝐘𝐔𝐔 - ∇ 🌹

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"Ah shit, I'm so sorry! It's all over your shirt, I'm  sorry-" "it's fine." Peeling your eyes off his chest where an obvious brown coffee stain laid, you finally looked up this strangers eyes, his gaze turning into yours.

"d-do I know you?" You stuttered, you couldn't help but to feel like you've known him for years. Odd. His eyebrows slightly furrowed, as if he tried to recognise you. He was quite attractive may you say, his blue tracksuit suited him well.

"I.. I don't know." He mumbled. You shook your head quickly, focusing on the problem at hand.

"Can I pay you to get that cleaned? Or can I at least buy you a coffee? My treat." "Oh um, sure. I'm not busy at the moment, I'm on my break." and so, you headed towards the nearest cafe.

"I believe I didn't introduce myself, I'm Y/n L/n. You?" You smiled. A few seconds turning into a minute. The curves of your lips drooped down a bit, your smile turning into an awkward one.

"Tomioka Giyuu." The name rang bells in your head, remembering a man saying that exact name, but in a different outfit. He had a black top and trousers, a sword in his white belt. He had a green and red haori over his shoulders. He wore his mid-length black hair in a messed low ponytail. You couldn't see his face, which was very weird to you.

Meanwhile Giyuu had the same flash of thoughts run through his mind as well. Soft pink tainted lips smiled up at him. Her hair was half-up-half-down, a cherry blossom pin in her silky hair. Her (f/c) kimono swaying in the soft breeze. Her smooth skin wrapped around his neck. The cherry blossom petals dancing around them. His hand was on her waist.

You shook your head, getting the thought out of your head.

You two talked and talked, getting served the coffee you mentioned, and the pastry you requested. Him drinking the coffee and you munching on the pastry.

That was when Tomioka looked at his watch.

"Ah, my break is almost over, since you know, I'm a pe teacher." He spoke. "Oh, I understand. I'm almost finished with my break as well, I have to get back to my patients. Here, let me give you my number." You said, finding a piece of paper and pen, writing down your number with hurried fingers. The thought of making him late because of you caused your fingers to write faster.

"Call me. I would love to hang out more often, Tomioka-san!"  You said, giving a warm smile. Handing over the paper onto his, your hand and his connected felt like an electric shock. You stared at him with slightly widened eyes, confused on why you had the urge to kiss him. Craving to touch him again. What was with you today? You must be coming up with something...

"Giyuu." "Pardon?" "Call me Giyuu." "Oh! Call me Y/n then." Giyuu nodded, putting the paper in his pocket to keep it secure. You both bid your goodbyes. Looking at your watch, you sighed. You got up and grabbed your things, paying at the register and leaving the cafe with the bell ringing.

Leaving the hospital with a small sigh, you started to walk to your car and drive home. But you realised you needed some stuff to cook for your dinner tonight. It wasn't that far of a walk anyway. Your heels clicked on the ground as you looked at the sky with it's colors. The scenery always made you calm somehow. Looking forward again, you realised you were heading to a school.

♥︎ 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒. 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒! ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now