part 2

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At the end of the day

I pack my bag after finishing a very long lesson of maths after i put my bag on i leave the classroom walking to my locker.

When I get to my locker i open it and puts my maths book in there and takes my skateboard out ready to leave the school until...

"Well well well miss smirnoff where do you think your going" Of course it was the one and only ms petrov leaning on the classroom door looking at me.

"Well if you haven't heard yet because your just new..." i say, walking up to ms petrov "It's the end of school which means im going home".

ms petrov scoffs "You have detention for 3 weeks starting from today so in the classroom now" She says, looking at me with a 'im going to kill you right now' look.

I roll my eyes and walks into the classroom "How long will it be cause its torture when im with you".

ms petrov just sits at her desk ignoring me. I just put my head down on the desk slowly falling asleep.

40 minutes later

ms petrov walks to my desk and taps my shoulder "Sleeping isn't aloud in detentions miss smirnoff" she says.

I lift my head up "Do you just enjoy making my life a living hell?" she says,looking straight into ms petrovs eyes.

"Were done here Lillian get out of my classroom" Ms petrov says, walking to her desk looking at her work laptop.

I smirk and walks over to her slowly with my backpack in one hand and skateboard in other "i'll see you tomorrow..." I say,looking at her name on her laptop "vera"

Vera looks up at me "Don't call me by my name Lillian"

"But you can call me by mine? It's only fair that i know your name." I say, walking to the door about to leave.

"I can take you home." Vera says,picking her work laptop and leaves papers on her desk grabbing her phone and car keys.

I turn around confused "I can skate you know?"

Vera is now close enough touching my hand "It's dark now and you have to go home safe."

I grin "You like me don't you Vera?"

"That's nonsense now go!" Vera says, walking out barging past me going to her car. I follow her from behind like a dog following their owner.

In the car park

Vera unlocks her car and get's into the drivers seat waiting for me to get in until she sees me skating away, Vera just rolls her eyes.

'I'll just follow her for safety purposes..." Vera says,starting her car and follows me but not to close and not to far.

10 minutes later

I was skating when all of a sudden some car nearly goes into me, so Vera quickly ran to me pulling me out of the road leaving my skateboard being crushed.

"What the fuck!? Why are you following me!" I say, looking up at vera pushing her hands off my body.

"I wasn't following you! Plus be thankful I just saved your life!" Vera says, rolling her eyes moving away from me.

"Fuck you! I have to get a new skateboard now! I can't believe I have to last a whole year with you!" I say,starting to walk away.

"Lillian!" Vera says,grabbing my arm "I'm taking you home so get your ass in my car now!"

I push her "I'm not going in a strangers car!"

"I'm your teacher and you already know my name plus you don't have a choice get the fuck in my car!" Vera says, starting to get angry with me.

I roll my eyes and gets into Vera's car slamming her door. Vera gets into her car and starts the car driving.
30 minutes of a silent car drive

"My house is on the left side" I say, pointing at the house number 33.

Vera stops outside of my house and looks at me waiting for a 'thank you' or something.

I just opens the door and grabs my bag getting out of her car slamming the door.

Vera pulls her window down "yeah! Your welcome miss Smirnoff!" Vera says,starting to drive away.

I put my middle finger up at her then walks into my house.

My dads (Pete and Dave) walk over to me "sweetie! You got home late!" Dave says.

I fall onto the sofa laying my head back "yeah well I have detention for 3 weeks straight with this annoying teacher!" I say, annoyed.

Dave sits down next to me"I'm suggesting that the teacher who took you back just then is the person causing all these problems?" Dave says.

I groan "I'm just so tired plus we need to get me a new skateboard"

Pete chokes on his drink "what! How did it break!?" He says.

"I nearly got ran over then that stupid teacher saved me and not my skateboard sooo yeah" i say,looking at Pete.

"Sometimes I wonder what we're gonna do with you honey but it's okay we will get you a new one just how are you gonna get to school?" Dave pulls his phone out looking at skateboards already for me.

"I don't know" I say, shrugging my shoulders "I'll just walk"

Pete crosses his arms "ask Carlos to pick you up with the others"

"Carlos has like 3 girlfriends to take to school like hell no" Lillian says,pulling my phone out after hearing a ping.

"Okay then looks like your walking" Pete walks away into the kitchen to make another glass of wine.

I read the message it was from..."VERA!?"

Dave looks at me "who's Vera?"

"O-oh I uhh just a friend t-that's all I'm gonna go to my room" I say, quickly getting up running upstairs.

Thank you for reading this story I'll post part 3 very soon

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