part 11

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-Sunday 23rd November-

Me, Mateo & Maria we are walking down the street side by side, I had a ice coffee in my hand and my other hand holding onto Mateo's arm.

"So where should we go next?" Maria say's swinging her hip's side by side when she walks.

"Lillian where would you like to go?" Mateo say's stopping for a moment for me to respond.

"Uhh..I don't know? I need the toilet so I'll just go into that cafe over there" I move my hand off Mateo's arm and places my drink in his hand before crossing the road and going to the cafe.

I walk into the cafe, going straight towards the bathroom but a staff member stops me. "Uhh I need the toilet what's the problem?"

"You can't walk into the cafe and not buy anything, if you need the toilet you got to buy something" The lady say's to me crossing her arms.

"What the fu-" I nearly was going to say but then a women stands over me and holds my shoulder.

"She's my wife and didn't my mother warn that this place will be shut down if you try that on any other customer." She glares at the staff member.

"I-I'm sorry ma'am here you go" the staff lady hands the key to the women and walks away to serve more customers.

"I don't know how to thank-" I turn and look at her realising it's Vera. "VERA!?"

She pushes me into the bathroom softly and locks it behind us. "Lillian."

"I don't want to talk to you! You left me alone with no explanation! I'm not someone you can kiss then act like we're nothing!" I push her into the wall in a soft but hard way.

"Lillian your my student, me and you will never ever be. My job is much more important than you." Vera crosses her arms. I could see her jaw tighten and her eyes sparkle, she was hiding something.

"If we will never be then why did you tell the doctors I was your girlfriend, then you kissed me at the hospital. And just now you told that women I was your wife??" I place my hands on my hips keeping my eyes on her.

"I was giving you a helping hand Lillian, now go to the toilet so I can hurry up and leave without any trouble caused" Vera leans against the counter (sink) waiting for me.

I roll my eyes and walk into the cubicle.

-After 5 minutes-

I walk out the bathroom with Vera, she turns to say something to me but I just walk out leaving her alone. I cross the road going to Mateo and Maria.

"We should go back to my house now" I say forcing a smile at them both.

"Okay good idea, we can play some Fortnite when your home" Mateo say's holding his arm out for me to hold onto, I place my hand on his muscular arm continuing to walk home.

My eye's gaze over to meet Vera's before she get's into her car and drive away.

-Next day (school)-

I wake up to my alarm buzzing through my ear, I hit the stop button and rubs my eye's before getting up and checking my phone to see a message from Maria.

-The message-

Maria- 'Me and Mateo are coming to get you so you don't have to walk xoxo'

Lillian- 'Okay! I'll be ready in 10'

Maria- 'Perfect see you in a minute girly'

-Message's done-

I place my phone down then stand's up slowly going towards my closet, I open it and take's out some blue jeans, White blouse and a black suit jacket.

After I get changed, I brush my teeth and wash my face ready for the day. I put a bit of mascara on before walking down the stairs with my phone and handbag.

"Good morning dad's, How did you guys sleep?" I take a piece of toast while leaning against the wall.

"Well we slept wonderful sweetie-" Pete goes to say before being disturbed by Dave.

"I slept terrible your dad snores more than anything" Dave chuckle's before getting smacked at the back off his head by Pete.

"Okay off to school while I sort out your immigrant of a farther" Pete places down his coffee on the table before dragging Dave out the kitchen.

I chuckle before drinking some of my dad's coffee, I walk out the house to Mateo's car outside.

"Is that the one and only Lillian Smirnoff?" Mateo shout's out of his car window.

I put my arm's up in the air "The one and only"

"Get in girl were 10 minute's late" Sophia shout's pressing Mateo's horn.

"I'm coming!!" I quickly get into the back of the jeep that Mateo owns.

-At school-

I get out the car and Sophia grab's my hand quickly running to our science lesson which is with the women I wish who wasn't here after what happened yesterday.

-In the lesson-

I sit down on my desk with Sophia next to me.

"Your late girl's that's detention tonight" Vera say's not taking her eye's off her computer.

Sophia leans over to me and whisper's "She's more moodier today"

I look at Vera just waiting for her to look up at me but she didn't move an inch it's like she's lost feeling's for me so fast I mean I did say some thing's yesterday but I didn't mean any of it.

-After school-

I walk towards her classroom, I thought Sophia was there already but looks like she sneaked out the school before Vera could find her. Vera open's the door for me letting me walk in slowly.

"Go sit down" Vera say's walking to her desk, sitting down and marking tests.

I sit down by her desk with my eye's on her "Why are you like this Vera?"

"Like what Lillian" She say's placing down a marked test with the rest of the marked ones.

"Like you hate me" I say leaning my chin on my bag what's on the desk.

"I don't hate my student's" Vera say's placing her pen on her marked paper's.

"Do you hate ME? Not as your student but as your lov-" I stop what I was about I say and look's out the window.

Vera looks at me "As my what?" She stand's up from her desk slowly walking towards me.

"As your fucking friend!" I slam my hands on my desk before running out the classroom with tears filling my eyes.

What have I done..?


I'm making edits of it on my TikTok account

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