Part 13

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The dinner at Lillian's house. Lillian's pov.

My dad knock's my bedroom door softly before walking in. I sit up wiping my tears from what happened 10 minutes ago with Vera.

"Hey sweetie, wanna come have dinner with us? It's steak tonight." Pete gives me slight smile to comfort me.

"I'm not really that hungry dad" I lay back down turning around so he can just see my back.

"We have a guest for tonight and I assure you they would very enjoy seeing you" Pete places his hand on my back giving me a slight rub.

"Who is it?" I turn around looking at Pete.

"You have to come and find out sweetie and you don't need to change or anything you look perfect just how you are" Pete kisses my forehead before standing up and walking towards the door.

"I'll be down in 5 minutes" I pull the covers off me and walks towards my bathroom in my bedroom.

"See you in 5 minutes sweetheart" Pete closes my door half way before walking back downstairs to the guest I have no clue of.

In the bathroom.

I stand by the sink with my eyes stuck on how I look. I've always hated how I look, it's my one insecure about myself. I just hope this guest is Mateo or Sofia because its the people I'm gonna need for this moment.

I wash my face so the red puffiness with go away so I look perfectly fine, which I'm not. I dab my face dry so I look better than before, I give my hair a brush so I look decent instead of messy.

I walk out the bathroom and goes into my bedroom again.

In the bedroom.

I put on this grey hoodie I found in Vera's closet when I stayed at her house that one day before everything went downhill. I slowly put it on and sniffs it, the only scent I could smell was her perfume that she wears at all times.

I place my phone in the hoodies pocket before making my way downstairs to the others.

Downstairs. Vera's pov.

I place down the plates what have the food on for us all while placing the knife and fork next to the plate's. Dave comes over to me and passes the salt so I could place it in the middle of the table with the salad.

I stand there looking at the table to make sure it looks perfect with the one women on my mind.

"Dad I swear if it's not Mateo or Sofi-" The women I love walks down the stairs slowly but stops her words when she meets with my eyes on her's.

"Lillian..." I see her eye's watering up causing mine to water up too but I hold the tears back.

"What are you doing here?" Lillian takes the last step to stand by her side of the table.

"Your dad offered me to have dinner with you guys.." I couldn't take my eyes off her and my hoodie she was wearing. Pete walks in and places his and Dave's plate on the table.

"Lillian take a seat, you too of course Vera. We're gonna have dinner now" Pete takes a seat while Dave places wine in all the place's except from Lillian's, he gave her some water.

Me and Lillian take a seat at the same time, we was of course facing each other just as Dave and Pete was. It felt like a date but I could just know she was mad at me.

Lillian's pov.

I pick up my fork and knife slowly cutting my steak into small pieces for me to eat. I'm so mad at Vera right now and at my parents, they invited the one women I didn't wanna see right now after the amount of things she said to me that day at the cafe and when she left me at the hospital like what the fuck!

Vera couldn't stop looking at me while Pete and Dave were doing weird looks at each other.

"So Vera I heard your Lillian's teacher is that correct?" Dave points his fork at Vera then looks at me.

"Yes that's correct, she's an incredible student of course" Vera smiles lightly at me but I just roll my eyes.

"Lillian do you have anything to talk about sweetie?" Pete gives me a smile while eating his steak with the salad he made.

"Yeah I do actually. Why the fuck have you invited her for??" I grit my teeth looking at Vera.

"LILLIAN SMIRNOFF! DO NOT BE RUDE!" Dave slams his hand on the table causing me to jump a bit.

"Sir it's okay thank you though" Vera gives him a bit of a death stare "Lillian can we talk privately please?"

"I have no reason to talk to you" I slam my fork down and gets off my chair, going up stairs to my bedroom.

Vera's pov.

"I should go..I'm sorry for disturbing you, tell Lillian I said I'm sorry please." I stand up putting my jacket on and walking out of her house going straight to my car.

I open my car door and enters it before giving her house one more look before driving away going back to my own house.

I knew I fucked up just I hate the things I said to her at the cafe, I didn't mean one word I said to her I was just upset and I felt betrayed because she never told me anything about her you know problems.

I just want her back.


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