Part 9

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The next morning.

I wake up and looks next to me trying to see if Vera was there but she...wasn't!!?? I get up panicking until Vera walks in with breakfast on a plate.

"What's wrong? Why are you all panicky for?" vera says placing down the plate walking over to me to comfort me.

"I-i thought you left" I say chucking a bit "It's just a stupid thing in my head anyway"

"Lillian is there something your not telling me?'' Vera says putting my hand in hers, i look at her debating if i should tell her or not.

"I- nope! Everything is good don't worry" I chuckling.

"Oh okay well I'm here if you wanna talk to me" Vera says comforting me knowing I'm not okay. I nod and just hugs her, she hugs me back. "I made you breakfast" She says going to get it and giving it to me.

"Wow! Thank you Vera" I say smiling at her then tries some of the breakfast "that tastes amazing! I never knew you was a good cook"

"Well I don't cook for anyone but your an exception" she says watching me eat, I can see her smile a little bit at me.

"Your so cute Vera" I say looking up at her.

"What- I-Im not cute" She says blushing, I chuckle at the sight of red all on her face.

"Your blushinggggg" I say giggling at her, she rolls her eyes and gives up and smiles "LOOK AT THE SMILE AWWWW"

"Shut up" she says hiding her face, I move the breakfast to the side and goes over to her sitting on her lap moving her hands from her face, she puts her hands on my waist. We're not face to face with our lips nearly touching "what are you doing Lillian..."

"I'm not doing anything" I say smirking, she looks straight into my eyes making me nervous so i turn my head the other way but she pulls my face making me look at her.

"I see you've gone nervous now dear, you don't know what your getting yourself into." She says whispering my ear making me gulp getting entirely turned on right now by her.

"I-i know what i've gotten myself into but i wanna know if your gonna let me go get ready for school or your gonna just keep me here...with bed." I say looking at her in legit need of her right now, she grins and goes closer to where our lips are nearly together.

"Your so needy for me right now...but you gotta wait." She moves me and stands up walking to her door "Get changed for school"

i roll my eyes "You do this everytime..." I whisper but she hears.

"What was that?" She says turning around.

"Oh nothingggg" I say watching her walk away then quickly goes to get changed.

10 minutes later.

''lillian you've been upstairs for ages is everything okay?" Vera says slowly walking up the stairs. She walks into her room and sees the bathroom door locked and water coming out from underneath the door. "Lillian???? Are you okay!??" She says trying to just hear something from me...she get's no reply "Okay that's it im kicking the door down!" Vera says backing away from the door then booting it down. She coughs seeing the hot water boiling the room then looks around for me until...she sees me on the floor completely passed out "no no no no Lillian!" She says running to me holding my face into her chest " i'm gonna get you to the hospital..." she picks me up and carrys bridal style to her car.

At the hospital.

Vera runs in holding me in her arms "Help! Please someone help!" She says then a doctor runs over with a hospital bed, Vera lays me on the hospital bed watching loads of doctors gather around her, she feels tears forming up in her eyes seeing me like this she keeps on thinking about how this could happen.

After about 3 hours. !TW!

Vera has called the school and said she can't come in for a while, an doctor walks over to Vera "Hello im doctor jackson parker, are you a family member or friend of Lillian?" He says looking at Vera.

"I-im her girlfriend.. Is she gonna be okay??" Vera says feeling the tears building up again, he put's his hand on Vera's shoulder.

"Did you not know that Lillian had taken meth (drugs) before?" He say's with a curious look on his face.

"W-what? no i didn't i just found her on the floor in the bathroom just unconscious with water everywhere" Vera says scared for me but shocked after hearing what he just said.

"Well she has drugs in her system and we found cuts on her wrists, she's resting right now but you can go and sit in there with her she's gonna need you next to her" He say's smiling then walking away to another patient, Vera stands up still shocked and walks into my hospital room.

In my hospital room.

She looks at me in loads of cables and machines around me, she walks over to me sitting down and holding my hand "Why...why didn't you tell me...i-i could've helped you...'' She says with a tear falling down her cheek she puts her head down feeling all the tears flooding down her face.

"I-im sorry you f-found out this w-way" I say slowly opening my eyes looking at her, she lift's her head and looks at me.

"I'm so mad at you right now but oh my god i'm so happy that your alive" Vera says getting up hugging me tightly, i hug her back then kisses her head.

"I never knew y-you loved me so much'' I say chuckling a bit, Vera rolls her eyes then leans down.

"Shut up" She says before kissing me slowly but passionate ''I love YOU Lillian only you" she says holding my face.

"I love you too Vera" I say smiling before hugging her again.

Thats the end of this part hope you enjoyed it.

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