Part 3

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In Lillian's bedroom

I shut my door looking at my phone reading the message for my teacher.

Vera: You know that your phone number just got sent to me by mr Williams?

I go red as hell (I legit looked like a tomato) mr Williams was my pe teacher i had a crush on him for ages.

Lillian: why did you even bother wasting your time to text me?🙄

I slowly walk over to my bed sitting down waiting for Vera's longggg response.

Vera: Well I would love that thank you I was supposed to have for taking you home and for saving your life you know?

I roll my eyes and just sighs.

Lillian: thank you for saving me and thank you for taking me home even though it was creepy to follow me home😑

Vera: haha very funny it's late you should go to sleep you have school tomorrow.

Lillian: I'll go to sleep when I want to you don't tell me what to do

Vera: alright then be tired for tomorrow that's not my problem.

Lillian: your so annoying you do know that?

Vera: don't be rude now I'm going to go because I have work to do now

Lillian: like i even care bye 👋🏼

I put my phone down and lays down looking at the ceiling with a 1000 thoughts in my head
'Do I like my teacher?' 'I like girls?' 'I'm just going through a phase...or am I?'

Pete knocks my door making me jump a little "sweetheart? are you okay in there?" He opens the door looking at me.

"Oh hey dad I'm okay. Are you?" I sit up looking at my dad.

"Yeah I'm okay just come to check up on you because you said some lady's name then ran upstairs" Pete walks over to me sitting next to me on my bed.

"Oh yeahhhh I just have uhh friend..." I say,picking skin on my fingers.

"You seem quite nervous talking about this strange person, you wouldn't maybe a crush on them?" Pete says, trying to hold his smile back.

"I don't have a crush on them and plus I have to see them tomorrow" I say putting my hands on my face.

"Wait! Your fucking teacher was texting you!" Pete says loud enough for everyone to hear.


"Well yeah she was just it's not a big deal she just wanted me to say thank you because I wasn't very polite with her" I say.

"Got me scared then" he puts his hand on his chest "I thought you was gonna say that you was dating her" he says laughing then stands up leaving the room.

I sigh and lay back down on my bed and sees that the time is only 9:38pm, I get up and puts my phone in my pocket and walks downstairs.

I walk out the front door quietly.

Not that long again but I hope you love it

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