Part 6

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"YOUR BROTHER IS IN THIS SCHOOL RIGHT NOW!" Maria says (she's Inlove with my brother I'm pretty sure everyone is).

My eyes go wide and I see him start walking down the hall to me.

Back to the story.

He hugs my side "hey sis good to see you again how long has it been?" He says trying to figure It out.

"It's been 6 years Marco" i say rolling my eyes,I've hated my brother ever since he left me and my dads without a word "what are you even doing back? Thought you was staying at New York with your boyfriend."

"Well i thought I should come see how my lil sis is doing and dads" he says winking at all the girls who are obsessed with him.

"I don't want to see you" i say pushing him to the side to walk away, he grabs my arm pulling me back to him.

"Come on Lillian that was ages ago you can't still be mad at me" he says trying to make me forgive him but I push him.

"I will never forgive you for leaving us like that also I'm late for a detention" i say walking away to detention, Mateo,Sofia,Maria and Carlos all hang out with my brother.

In detention.

I walk in seeing Vera sitting there with her book in her hand "hey ms Petrov sorry for being late."

"It's all good just sit down and study" she says looking at me just for a second then looks back down at her book.

"What book you reading?" I say trying to make a reasonable conversation without being rude.

"I'm reading One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston" she says not taking an eye of the page shes reading.

"Nice I haven't read that book but you seem very interested in it" i say standing up walking to behind her and leans down to read a bit of the page, she can feel my warm breath on her neck making her gulp.

" should be studying" she says trying to get me to go away but I don't move and smirks when I see she's reading a wlw book and she's on the page that they are having sex.

"I love your book taste..." i say whispering in her ear then walking to sit back down on my desk until she grabs my hand pulling me back to her. She stands up and pins me to the wall while our lips are nearly together.

"It's not nice to tease me like that miss Smirnoff" she says putting one hand on my waist and her finger under my chin making me look straight into her eyes.

"Well atleast I know what your weak spot is..." I say trying to not show her I'm completely nervous asf right now, she smirks and moves her hand slowly off my waist.

"I'll let you go early today" she says moving away from me to let me leave but I don't move i just stand there.

"You can't just leave me like this, it's rude of you" I say walking to her again, she turns her chair and looks at me.

"We can't do this Lillian we are gonna get in trouble and i do not wanna be fired" Vera says trying to contain herself from doing something she shouldn't do.

"Why Vera? You want this and i do too it's not like anyone is gonna find out if we keep it a secret" I say looking at her with a little sparkle in my eyes which she can see because she can't take her eyes off mine.

"I dont know Lillian it's too risky" She says really nervous, i go towards her and bends down putting my hand on her cheek.

"I'd rather take them risks then being with another person that i don't love Vera" I say rubbing my thumb slowly on her cheek, she looks at me but moves away.

"I suggest you should leave" She says looking at her laptop, i nod.

"That's okay i will wait for you however long it takes" I say standing up,Vera doesn't pay attention to me until she hears a loud group of people coming.

"I thought everyone went home by now?" She says confused of what all the noise is about, i sigh knowing exactly who it is.

"That's my brother making the big fuss around here,he used to go to this school when he was my age." I say walking to outside the classroom door with Vera, she looks at him and at all the girls around him and his best mates.

"Hey sis your detention should be over now i'm gonna take you home." Marco says walking to me and Vera.

"I can go home by myself actually i'm very capable of doing that on my own" I say crossing my arms staying next to Vera.

"You don't have a choice soo just cmon and get in my car alright?" He says trying to grab my arm but Mateo comes over and pushes him off me.

"Sorry mate but she doesn't want to and i dont care if your her brother you respect her decision no matter what" Mateo says standing infront of me, i smile knowing he's protecting me.

"Thank you Mateo but it's okay im going home my own way i don't care what he say's" I say putting my hand on Mateos shoulder, Vera rolls her eyes and stands straight in front me to be face to face with Marco.

"I actually need her longer im helping her study and it would be my offer to take her home after we've finished" She say's looking straight into Marco's soul, I grin trying to hide it while Mateo backs away and everyone runs off.

"Okay then i don't care" Marco says walking away, Vera moves back into her classroom leaving just me and Mateo together.

"I guess i'll go too...text me later and be safe." He says taking another look at me and Vera and walking away.

thats the end i hope you liked it

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