Chapter 6: Embracing Your Destiny

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I had slowly learned to come to terms with my fate. I would never live a peaceful life due to my destiny to save the land of Hyrule. But I had to ask, why? Why me? Why couldn't I have been born a Kokiri instead? But life isn't fair, and the only one with the answers to all of my questions is dead. And so, as it stands, this is my tale.

I sighed as I slowly climbed up Death Mountain. "Goddesses! Why does it have to be so hot up here?" I muttered, glaring up at the sky as the sun shined down on my back. Sweat ran down my face and my hair was plastered onto my forehead, it was damp with sweat like the rest of me. "I want to forget this whole thing and go back home to the forest, but I can't just leave Hyrule to fend for itself. And if I wanted to return to the forest, the Kokiri won't let me, well, all of them except for Saria and my other friends." I sighed and rung my fingers through my sweaty hair. Navi was sitting on my shoulder, watching me with a concerned expression.

"Isn't the Spiritual Stone of Fire called the Gordon's Ruby?" I asked Navi as I looked down at the Kokiri's Emerald. My fairy just shrugged and I slipped the stone back into my tunics pocket. Yes, my tunics has pockets, I made them myself. "Well, we've made it to the place that Zelda- I mean- the place that Impa told us about." I replied and Navi simply nodded her head.

"I think we should enter this city and see if anyone knows where the Spiritual Stone of Fire is," Navi suggested. I nodded and made my way through a dark cave before coming to a large city fulll of Gorons. "What in the name of Naru! How are their so many Gorons here?" I exclaimed in shock as I turned to stare around at the huge city.

"Come on Link! Let's go find the leader, maybe he'll know something," Navi said, flying in front of my face with her hands on her hips. I sigh softly but nodded and made my way down the winding ramp.

As I walked around, I slowly approached a Goron who was standing in front of a large closed rock door. "Um, excuse me, Mr. Goron? Do you know where I might find the Spiritual Stone of Fire?" I asked, staring up at the massive Goron, who blinked and turned to face me.

"Why? You want to eat it?" he asked me and I tried not to pull a face at the question.

"W-What? No! I'm just asking, does your leader know anything perhaps?" I asked in an attempt to break the tension in the air. The Goron nodded and pointed to a strange symbol on the ground.

"Link! Look! I think you have to play Zelda's Lullaby to enter the room!" Navi said, flying above my head and landing on my shoulder. I nodded and pulled out my fairy ocarina, playing the notes of Zelda's Lullaby. The notes of the song echoed off the stone walls and the door slowly began to open. "We did it! Now come on Link, let's go inside and meet the leader of the Gorons." Navi snaps impatiently while flying around my head. I swatted her away, put my fairy ocarina back in my tunic pocket, then made my way inside the leader's den.

"Wow! What a huge room! I wonder if anyone is even in here?" I quietly muttered under my breath while looking around the large room for anyone. And suddenly, a large Goron, bigger than any of the others appeared from seemingly out of nowhere.

"Oh Din's Fire! He doesn't look very happy at all! I wonder what made him so angry?" Navi quietly whispered into my ear. I just stood, frozen in place as the large Goron stared straight at me.

Then an idea hit me, and I once again pulled out my fairy ocarina. I then began to play the notes of Saria's Song, the notes echoing around the room like a bat using echolocation in a dark and eery cave. My plan seemed to have worked because the large Goron suddenly began to dance wildly around the room.

"Haha! That was the most amazing toon that I have ever heard!" the Goron's voice boomed and he patted me on the head with one of his large rock hands.

"So, now that you're calmed down, can you possibly tell me where the Spiritual Stone of Fire might be?" I quietly asked, staring fearfully up at the Goron chief.

"Well young forest child, I will make you a deal." He said, crossing his arms over his chest and staring down at me. I nodded my head for him to continue speaking. "First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Darunia, chief of the Gorons. We eat rocks from inside the volcano that sits on top of the mountain, but there's a huge boulder blocking the entrance and a monster is inside. If you can defeat the monster that is inside, then I shall give you the Goron's Ruby." He said while staring down at me, his arms still crossed over his chest as he awaited my answer.

I nodded but then I smirked and replied in a joking tone, "Why don't you just eat the boulder?" I joked, and he laughed at that. But then his expression becomes serious once more.

"We would have done that, but we don't have the strength to defeat the monster in the cavern. So will you help us out young forest dweller?" he repeated his earlier question with a raised eyebrow and a wide grin on his face as he stared at me again. "Oh, and if it's not any trouble, could you possibly give me your name?" I laughed and rubbed the back of my head with a sheepish smile on my face.

"Oh, um, haha I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself," I stood up as tall as I could. I took a deep breath before clearing my throat and staring up at the Goron chief.

Here we go, moment of truth. "My name is Linkette." I said, standing as tall as I could and fixing my frazzled golden locks.

"Link, that's a good name," he said. It was like all the air was let out of me, I felt empty. He didn't even know me, and still saw me as a boy. What was going on? Why me, of all people?

"Yes, I will help you and your people by defeating the monster." I said after a few moments of awkward silence. Darunia laughed and patted me hard on the back, knocking the breath from my lungs. "So, I guess I'll see you when I get back from fighting yet another monster. Yay. What fun." I said, rolling my eyes and walking out of the room and heading to the top of the mountain.

"The cavern that Darunia was talking about is called Dodongo's Cavern," Navi told me as we made our way to the entrance of said cavern. And just as Darunia said, yep, there was yet again ANOTHER HUGE BOLDER! Well, at least this one wasn't rolling around chasing me like the one back in the forest.

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