Intro Information

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Raewynn was a human woman who fought alongside her kin in the Last Alliance against Sauron's forces at the end of the Second Age

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Raewynn was a human woman who fought alongside her kin in the Last Alliance against Sauron's forces at the end of the Second Age. She touches a cursed object, and the curse passes onto her.

The curse brings upon the desire to eat the flesh of animals and take on their form, as well as eternal life. There are some catches however, she can only take on the form of the animal she eats and her form's head has no flesh, making her a Skull-headed animal (the rest of her body is normal). Her eyes are golden, and the skull has golden markings along the bone. The animals she can take the forms of must be pure and not corrupted by evil (like wargs, orcs, etc.)

For instance, her form as a horse and wolf:

(For the record, the wolf form she takes is the same breed of wolves that the orcs used to create wargs

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(For the record, the wolf form she takes is the same breed of wolves that the orcs used to create wargs. Therefore, the form is certainly large enough for smaller figures to mount and ride on.)

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When the War is won, she is found on the battlefield by Lord Elrond who senses the curse in her body

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When the War is won, she is found on the battlefield by Lord Elrond who senses the curse in her body. She is taken to Rivendell by her Lord Elrond, where she is brought back to health by Elrond's wife, Lady Celebrian, the daughter of Lady Galadriel and Lord Celebron. She is practically adopted into the House of Imladris.

She is taught the languages of Middle-Earth and educated. Her weapon of choice is the sword, two are gifted to her by Lord Elrond. Through their care and teaching, Raewynn develops discipline over her new ability, allowing her to take the form of any animal she has eaten for periods of time. The larger the animal's form she takes, the shorter the time span she is able to hold the form.

**Raewynn is nearly 3,000 years old by the time the events of The Hobbit take place in TA 2941

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**Raewynn is nearly 3,000 years old by the time the events of The Hobbit take place in TA 2941. She served in the Last Alliance, at the end of the Second Age (SA), and lived into the beginning of the Third Age (TA).

She has an adventurous spirit, and she has traveled all across Middle Earth. I DO PLAN on writing a sequel telling of her adventures across Middle Earth before the events of The Hobbit, however, clues will certainly be dropped along the way of this story. ;)

Please enjoy this story that I have literally spent 20+ hours studying the history of and planning out! XD

(I swear I've studied the history of Middle Earth harder than the history of my country wthhhh)

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